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Your POV:
I was sitting at home. It was currently 2am and Cameron still wasn't home. We shared a apartment together in la but for the past few weeks he was coming home really late. I was done. I wanted to confront him about it but I couldn't bring myself to it but tonight was the end. This was the latest he has ever been. I understand him hanging out with his friends but not until 3 in the morning doing who knows what.
It was 2:30. I got up and turned off the tv that was barley playing loud enough for me to hear. I started to walk towards the bedroom cam and I shared when I heard the door swing open.
"Baabyyy I'm homee" Cameron slurred his words. Great he's drunk.
"Where were you?" I asked getting annoyed already.
"I was with the guys y/n. Goshhh don't have to be so ovvverrrr protective all the damn time." He kept slurring his words.
"I'm tired of you coming home so late cam. I wait for endless hours until you come home. I am almost at the point where I'm tired of waiting. I don't know what to do anymore" I said raising my voice.
"Why are you YELLING" I questioned.
"BECAUSE YOU ARE AN ANNOYING PEICE OF SHIT Y/N. Your clingy and bossy and just uh" he complained. I felt tears fill my eyes.
"Thanks asshole" I smiled. I turned away walking into the bedroom until Cameron grabbed my wrist pulling me into him.
"Listen. Your not leaving till I let you go. Were not done here" he said gripping tighter on my wrist.
"Cameron ow that hurts. Let go" I complained.
"NO" He yelled slapping me across the face.
I ripped my arm away from him.

"Your the biggest asshole I've ever met" I yelled before grabbing my keys and phone and leaving Cameron standing in the apartment.


Part 2??

Magcon imagines *requests are open*Where stories live. Discover now