Alice Edwards, the genius rich girl, and Joseph White, the hot-headed businessman, were involved in a shipwreck that caused them to become stranded on a remote island alone together. Can these two survive wild animals, hyperthermia, and their confli...
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I stare ahead at Joseph who is currently fishing. Fishing, being him throwing my makeshift net into the ocean and swiping the fish. After, I made our beds and tools. Joseph and I agreed that my handy skills were a lot better than my hunting skills.
In the span of five days, I've made two beds. A fishing net, makeshift knives, axes and I'm working on my newest project, a hut for the two of us. It's rained the day before yesterday so we had to spend the night in the cave and it was absolute hell. My body was shivering from the cold and once again and like before Joseph had to hold me for warmth.
I run a hand on my shoulder; he has such big hands.
"Alice!" Joseph shouts as he runs towards me with my net that is now filled with fish. "Look! I caught a crab!"
"Good Job," I say as I place more leaves on top of the makeshift hut. This should be enough to cover us during the rain, hopefully. I don't think I can take another night with Joseph in a cave. In the dark of the night, his grip tightened around me. I felt my heart begin to quicken when he did this.
"Good job?" He chuckles, "the princess is never fully satisfied," he scoffs.
"What are you talking about?! I said good job. What! Do you want me to throw a parade for catching a goddamn crab?"
"Geez, what crawled up your ass?"
"Sand!" I yell. "Fucking sand, and maybe even a goddamn bug. And I have this huge pimple on my butt from something probably biting me. And I can't see it or do anything about it at all because my arm can't reach that far down!" I screech. Joseph's eyes widen and then he snickers, "what!?!" I shout, "what about my situation is so funny?"
Joseph's laughter gets louder and louder which only makes me angrier. I pick up my ruined heel and throw it at him. It hits Joseph in the chest, making a loud thumping sound on impact. Joseph continues to laugh at me. "Yo- you idiot!" I shout running off into the woods.
How dare he laugh at me! I put a hand on the bump, it's starting to burn.
God, please don't let this be some infectious disease that will give me an early death. The pimple begins to burn, that's not supposed to happen. Fuck! Fuck! Water cold water! My legs move on their own towards the waterfall.
I don't bother to stick a toe in and ease my way into the stream. I dive in first, the cold water soothes my burning buttocks instantly. I lean against the wet rock, I can stay here forever.
"So, this is where you went," Joseph says. I look up, he's holding some food, it's the lunch that I cut up earlier. He takes a seat on the ground. He dips his toes feet into the water. He holds out a few mangos for me to eat.