Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

~8 Months Later~

I dig my nails inside of his chest. My lower half contracts and I let out a groan of ecstasy and he soon follows. I fall onto the side of the bed. I huff and kiss Joseph on the lips. My lips brush against the roughness of his face. "Did I ever tell you how much I love the way your beard is growing in?" I place a hand on his face and run it along his face.

His beard reminds me of when we were on the island and it was just us. Us two, and Charlie under the stars thinking about the future. We were filled with talk and pineapples. It was a simple life that I wouldn't mind going back to.

He scratches his beard. "You're the only one that says that. I don't know if I should keep it. It's a bit itchy, plus it's a bit unprofessional. I get weird looks at the office."

I jump up from his chest. "Unprofessional? Are you crazy? Nothing's more dapper than a beard and besides, it looks good on you. In my opinion, it suits you more than the shaven look."

"It makes me look older," he grumbles.

"I don't think so. I think it makes you look more distinguished Joseph." I kiss his lips. He grabs my body and pulls it close to his own. His body heat, his cologne, and arms do something to my body that I can't get enough of.

He runs a hand over his beard. "I don't know," he comments.

Joseph White, the man I love lays next to me in this cold hotel room. The blinds are closed with the first Harry Potter movie playing on the television. We'd stop watching after five minutes and a small caress to my leg. "So, this is how they portray Hogwarts, it seems pretty accurate so far," he comments as he stares at the screen. "You know the more I see these kids and how they act with one another. The more I'm convinced you would be a Hufflepuff," he jokes.

I slap him on the chest. "The hell I would."

"I'm a Gryffindor. I'm brave, courageous, kind and I could one hundred percent see myself hanging out with Harry and his friends."

"Oh, and what do you think I would be?"

I inspect his face. With his personality, "Ravenclaw, definitely a Ravenclaw."

"A Ravenclaw? Why do you say that?"

"Well," I get on top of Joseph and straddle his hips. "Because Ravenclaws are intelligent," I kiss his neck. "Observant, wise, and creative people." He holds my hips and looks up at me.

"So, how you're describing it, is that Ravenclaw is the best, right?" He chuckles.

I roll my eyes, "what a Ravenclaw thing to say." I press my lips onto his. The sounds of fireworks, magic, and cheers come from the television as I kiss the man that I love. I pull away from him. His eyes widen and then settles, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing. I forgot to ask did you get the shot again?"

The shot, the thing that if I ever forgot would make this secret rendezvous we have would end by two pink lines. An unplanned pregnancy would alert my mother and his wife that's home thinking her husband is on a business trip. Instead, twice a month we seclude ourselves in this hotel room and let out our pent up love for one another.

"Yeah," I smile. "Got it a couple of weeks ago."

Joseph, you made me throw out all of my morals just to have a few days with you. I never ask him about his home life or if Veronica is okay. I never speak about his marriage and when she calls because she always does. I stay quiet for while he's speaking with her in the bathroom.

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