Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Tight-fitting blue dress, makeup to cover my tear-stained face from the tears I shed in my mother's arm. I have an unrivaled hankering for the burning taste of alcohol in my stomach and a man in between my thighs taking me with no remorse. A man that will make me forget about Joseph. The man who broke my heart and stomped on it with no remorse.

I exit out of the hotel room; my heels clank down the long hall. I can't think. I don't want to. Thinking means, I have to give let my heart and mind go back to reality. The reality that I can't have him. That he's someone else's, his wife's. I get on the elevator, going down the bar. It doesn't take long before the hotel bar is in front of me.

The bar is filled with suited men with a woman on their arms. What did I expect to see at a hotel bar? It's rare to see an attractive man at a bar in a hotel. Everyone here is take, I chuckle under my breath. Sometimes it feels like I'm the only single person in the world. Like the world wants me to be some type of harlot, the undercover arm candy to a married man.

I take a seat, "can I have three shots of tequila," I command. The bartender nods, I watch the clear liquid be poured into small shot glasses with salt already placed on its ring. The bartender places the lime and I am mesmerized by this small gesture they've done so many times before. I gulp down the shot when it's pushed in front of me.

I don't care, how it looks to the people around me. I want to get drunk. I take another shot and then my last. Nothing, I'm not buzzed yet. I'm just left with a burning sensation in my throat that the lime didn't subside. I want my drunk to come faster, I want to forget and instead be filled with the warmth of alcohol.

To be in drunken bliss, completely forgetting about my problems.

"Wow, that's quite a few shots for someone as little as you."

"Is it? Hey," I issue to the bartender. "Can I have another three?" I don't bother to look at the man whose commenting on my drinking.

"How about I get you some water or some food to soak it up. We wouldn't want you to throw up on the elevator when you go back to your room. Hey, can we get her an order of cheese fries, my treat of course."

Who is he to do such a thing? I want to be blackout drunk and find some fellow for the night. I switch my head, and I don't know if it's the fact that I've taken three shots of tequila or it's the undeniable truth. But, this man is attractive. Blonde hair, that's a bit darker than my freshly dyed hair and green eyes. He's smiling at me, in his all-black suit.

"Who are you?"

"Jackson, my name is Jackson. Nice to meet you."

"Well Jackson," I cough when I see his green eyes looking directly at me. He's not looking at my cleavage but instead into my eyes. It's as if he's staring into my soul. He's looking through my layers trying to figure me out. But, I'm afraid to tell you Jackson. I'm too complex for this man to get through the maze that is my head."What brings you here tonight?"

"I'm meeting with a woman."

A woman? The universe does hate me. Even when I'm looking for no bars sex. The first guy that catches my eye is taken. What a funny stroke of fate. "So, you're here waiting for a date?"

"No, more like a meeting. Nothing romantic," he laughs. His laughter is forced. "In all honesty, I'm pretty nervous. It's going to turn into a screaming match. I know it."

A screaming match? During a meeting? "Why would you two get into a screaming match? What did you do?"

His mouth falls open. "Why do you think I did something wrong? Do I seem like someone that would cause trouble."

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