Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I lay on my back and stare ahead at the sea

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I lay on my back and stare ahead at the sea. I'm so bored, "Joseph," I say to wake up the sleeping man. He doesn't wake up, "Joseph," I repeat. He turns the other way. "Joseph!" I repeat. "I'm bored."

"Go swim then or teach Charlie something," he mutters.

"I did that yesterday and the day before that. Let's go exploring," I suggest. He groans, "don't be like that. We can probably find some more foods, maybe chicken," I smile. I see Joseph tense, he's been going on and on about food other than fish.

Thirty days of fish, give or take, has done something to us. When Joseph brings back fish, my stomach begins to flips. "Think about it that delicious delicious chicken, we could find. I'll make smoothies," I sing. Joseph turns towards me, "fine," he groans. "But, I want a tub full of that smoothie."

"Rodger that Joseph!" Joseph gets up from the ground and stretches. His bone cracks as he does this. I look up at Joseph's chest then his face, "that beard of yours is filling in nicely. You look good with it."

He runs a hand across his chin, "you think? I don't particularly like it, it makes me look older."

I get up from the ground, "no, I don't think so. It makes you look better." I look at Joseph's chin and my eyes land on his lips. I gulp, "you ready to go?"

He looks around, he picks up the net and a few of our makeshift knives, "as ready as I'll ever be."

Joseph and I take the track into the island, we come upon the oasis we drink from and the small waterfall we bath at every day. "Joseph," I sing.

"Oh God," he grumbles.

"Don't be a sour puss. It's time for would you rather."

"Okay, what have you come up with this time?"

I tap my chin as I think of one, "got it! Would you rather be the funniest person in the room or the most intelligent?"

"I don't know, right now I'm both so."

"What?! One, you're not smarter than me and two I'm way funnier than you," I argue.

He snorts, "in your dreams. You've never made me laugh from one of your jokes. The only times you've made me laugh is when you fall." He looks back, "watch your step by the way," he comments. I look down, there a rock that I narrowly avoid.

"I did make you laugh before, remember that one time I told you about my prom night. And I-"

"I know you skipped it and went clubbing instead with your friends. It wasn't a particularly funny story, what was funny was the bird pooping on your head in the middle of it." I think back at the embarrassing moment. Why then at that particular time did a bird have to literally shit on me.

"Whatever," I grumble. "Next question, would you rather speak all languages or be able to speak to all animals?"

"Speak all languages, then I would be able to communicate with all my newest business associates better. Plus, it'll make traveling easier."

I tap my chin, "well I'll rather speak to animals."


I look down at my feet with Charlie close to me, "well to so I could talk to my baby Charlie."

"Did you fail to remember that we're on a journey right now to find and kill a chicken to eat. I think it'll ruin your appetite with it begging for you to let it go Alice."

"Well, you are right about that one. But you have to admit. It would be cool, to be able to talk to animals like Cinderella or Snow White."

"Urgh, why would anyone want to be like them. One was I'm pretty sure crazy and the other one was a thirteen-year-old girl that was forced to marry a man that merely heard her sing and kissed her dead corpse."

"Joseph, it's a Disney princess movie. There's no need to pry into the movie so much."

"I can't help it, and don't get me started on that damn Ariel."

I stop in my traps, "what's wrong with Ariel?!"

"Oh, where do I begin. One, she's a spoiled child. Two, she abandoned her entire family for a guy she only met. And three, she doesn't have a decent conversation with the guy for the entire movie and we're supposed to root for those two? Please."

Well, when you put it that way.

"Well, I understand where she's coming from."

"You do?"

"Yeah, she was tired of being held back and she wanted to be free, albeit it did seem like she left home for him but she was already curious about the outside world. He was just there and he was the catalyst. And about the whole not talking thing, maybe he saw something in her that words couldn't describe."

"Maybe but I just don't understand how she could leave her family for a person she just met."

I shrug my shoulders, "love makes you do crazy things."

Joseph and I continue to hike through the woods, "well this doesn't look familiar at all," I announce.

"Good, unfamiliar places mean new things to eat."

We continue our walk; I hear small noises. "Joseph, did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

The noise gets louder, "that," I whisper.

He nods his head, "I did." The bushes near us begin to rustle.

"Joseph, get the net ready," I command. Out of the bush, a small bird emerges. Not a chicken but it sure does look edible. Turkey? Rooster perhaps? "What animal is that?"

He licks his lips, "turkey. That is a full-grown delicious-looking turkey."

"So how are we going to do this?" I whisper. He hands me the other side of the net.

"We rush him," he whispers.

Joseph and I ease closer to the turkey. Sorry Mr. Turkey, but I'm so goddamn tired of fish. I promise you won't go to waste. Joseph and I run towards the Turkey and throw the net.

The turkey narrowly escapes, "shit!" I scream. I run after the turkey.

"Alice!" Joseph screams behind me.

"I'm going to catch that goddamn turkey!" I chase after the turkey with Joseph not too far behind me. I need some meat that isn't goddamn fish! I look down at the ground for any tracks the turkey would have made.

I walk a few steps before a piece of metal catches my eyes. Metal? Why would metal be... I look up.

Is that...

"Alice! There you are."

"Joseph," I mutter as I stare up at the large machine that's in front of us.

"Alice is that..."

"Yeah it is, it's a plane."

I hope you all enjoyed that chapter!

I hope you all have super, amazing splendid, day, night, evening and afternoon!


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