Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"Finn," I smile. "Hey," I take a step back. The back of my leg hits the trunk. I feel the sweat form on the back of my neck. "I was just getting some light reading." I need to get to Joseph. "I'm glad you're here. You said you had a romance novel. I couldn't find it," a dry laugh comes out. "Why do you look so serious? I'm not used to that. Lighten up, Finn."

"You saw the book?" He's not one to beat around the bush.

"The book? Which one? You have to be a bit more specific. There are so many books here. I found a lot of books."

"The book in your hand Alice. The photobook." Shit, I move the book behind me. "You would have been perfect."

"Finn," I say with a tone no louder than a whisper. "Stay away from me," I shutter. "Joseph!" I shout as loud as I can. He has to be close. He has to be. Joseph is never too far away. He's always by my side when I fall he's there to catch me. When I'm hungry, he's there to hand me a fish. Joseph, I need you. I need you so much right now. "Jos-" my words are cut off by Finn's mouth over mine.

"Be quiet," he orders. His grip over my mouth is firm. One hand covers my mouth while the other is around my neck. I can't breathe; my normal steady breaths is stiffened by this sadistic man who wants me for my body. I feel my body begin to go weak from the lack of oxygen that's fighting to fill my lungs.

He wants to kill me.

His grip around my neck loosens providing me the necessary room for air to reach my body. The hand over my mouth makes it hard for me to cough. He opens my mouth and I await the heinous words that I know he's going to say.

"If you bite, my grip will only get tighter. Nod your head if you understand." I nod my head. Finn removes his hands from my mouth and encases me in the room. His body that's larger than mine covers my only exit route. "Shit...I had a whole plan. It's my fault for leaving it there." He removed his hand from my mouth. Joseph isn't far, three miles. I can't give up. I need to call him as loud as I can. He'll be here. He'll hear me.

"Joseph!" I scream.

My lungs hurt from the wail that comes out of me. My voice has never reached these heights, it hurts. My wails disturb the birds making them fly away. Fly away to places I will never reach again. Home, a place I'll never come back to.

Finn is going to kill me.

Finn places the hand back over my mouth. "Scream again, and I will hurt you," he threatens. He jerks my head to look him in the eyes. He means this, every word. There's an intensity in his eyes that I can't quite describe. An intensity, that tells me if I defy him, he will kill me where I stand with no hesitation.

He's done this before, way too many times. I avoid his eyes. I can't bear look at a disgusting creature that would touch women...a child.

Impregnate one and claim he loves her.

He's sick

He's disturbed

He's a monster fueled by loneliness

"Are you serious? Don't scream! Finn!"

He slams his hand on the table. "You're just like Mary."


That's one of the women. Mary...thirty-two, American native, suicide by cliffs. She came here pretty early. I can't quite remember what day he wrote. But like the other woman, she was beautiful, naked, unaware of her picture being taken, used to fulfill his sick fantasy. A woman that he could stare at, someone to masturbate to even though he knew she was dead.

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