Chapter 2

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Picture of Alysa

Well here I am mulling over everything that has happened the last 24 hours. My Husband Mark cheats on me with my BEST FRIEND of 18 years been with me through everything. I am sitting in my seat on the flight to Seattle and let me eyes close and just think of how everything has transpired with me and someone I thought of as my sister.

We first met in Middle School she was the first person I met in school. She just bumped into me at homeroom and she just turned around and introduced herself and we just hit it off and we were inseparable ever since. We went through a lot of first together s first loves, first heart break, first job, and college roommates.

I'm sitting in my seat looking out of my window just thinking and a slight giggle left my lips when we found out that are boyfriends at the time of senior proms broke up with us before prom and we called the limo company and just snatched the limo from them and their "dates" so we can have the best girl time at prom. We danced the night away knowing we didn't need boys to have a good time at prom. One memory after another comes to my mind for when she helped me get out of an abusive relationship with one of my exes. She was their when my parents died in an car accident they hit some black ice and just slid into a tree causing their death. That was the moment she was not my best friend anymore she was my sister she helped me soo much I just don't understand what would prompt her just to sleep with my husband. Alysa was adement that my husband has changed me to be complient and that he was tearing me away from her, but yet she would pull that stunt to me.

After all of the issues she had with my husband she still was their for me as my maid of honor and helped me with everything that needed to be done for my wedding. I am just trying to keep it together so I can get thru this meeting and not let my personal business jeopardize my job considering this is all I have left that I have worked really hard to obtain this position.

I get to Seattle settle into my hotel and get my outfit ready for this meeting tomorrow with all of the executives and hope this means I can transfer here and start a new life god would that not be great to at least get something positive out of the shitty last few hours that was dropped at my feet. I am drowning in my comfortable bed in the hotel room with pillows and big comfy blanks draped all over me when I get my morning wake up call. I have a new message from my boss that's letting me know a company car will be picking me up at the front door at 10 am. My clothes is all picked out and get ready to take a shower and just sit there with my hands on the shower bracing myself for the hot water to just fall down my back and get mentally prepared for what is about to happen. I finish getting ready blow dry my hair and finish my makeup (which is lite foundation, mascara, blush, and nude lip gloss). I don't see in why people wear so much makeup these days how do you truly know what someone looks like with all that shit caked on you ugh gross.

I walk out the lobby and notice a black town car with a driver waiting for me with a sign that says McCool look at the driver and feel all giddy goods things will happen today. "I am Hannah McCool" I state to the driver and proceed to get into the car. It takes around 20 min to get to headquarters while in the car I am checking all my emails to make sure that all the policies have gone thru for all of our clients to make sure that their needs have been met and to make sure that our agents haven't given any wrong information to the families that have intrusted us with their final requests. The car has parked and the driver has opened the door for me to get out and go thru the double doors. I was instructed that I need to go to the 12th floor and go to the second door on the right and proceed into the conference room. My nerves are officially shot I am nervous on why I am here I've never been asked to come out here other than my original interview, and here I am again (REALLY REALLY hope for a promotion to relocate)

"Ah good Morning Hannah thank you for coming out here such short notice and especially since you got back home the other day and have to fly back out please have a seat."

"Good Morning Mr. Smith it is no problem at all I am excited I get to come back here such a lovely city I wish I could be here more often to truly look around." Quick drop to hope he lets me stay while I place my brief case and purse right beside me on the ground.

"Well Hannah the reason for us to call you up here is that the Funeral Insurance Company has been bought out and I am afraid we are going to have to let you go we are going a different direction ."

Wow been with the company for three years and I finally get recognized for my hard work WAIT WHAT THE FUCK DID HE JUST SAY!!!!!

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