Chapter 9

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This is the longest chapter yet.

It's been a week since hammer found me this apartment. It's not very spacious, just around 650 square feet, one-bedroom, and one bathroom. Hammer and I have gotten closer during the time we have shared. Whiskey had to take Ruby to visit her parents in Texas, and Hammer has been helping me at the bar which has forced us to have a closer relationship. It's one hour prior to my shift and I just finished my lunch and sitting at the corner of the bar and gently place my head in my hands. Not realizing that I have fallen asleep and was woken up by Hammer.

"Blue Hun, why don't you go home and get some rest. You are working yourself to the bone and you can get sick by not taking care of yourself. Don't think I haven't noticed how your tired, and cranky from lack of sleep. Two jobs will take a toll on you and you need a day off. I'm calling Blade to get to take you home."

"I appreciate it, Hammer, I think I will go home and sleep on my couch till I get my belongings when the divorce is final. However, I can take myself home I don't need Blade."

"Too bad, he is here and he has agreed to take you home. It's not safe to drive by yourself when you are this exhausted it's for your well-being sweetheart."

"Ugh fine."

We left the bar and to be honest I'm glad I didn't realize that I was this tired. I guess all the stress from the pending divorce is now catching up with me. I finally received the summons for finalizing my divorce. I will have to travel to Nashville next week to finally be cut off from all this drama and on top of that, I can finally get my furniture and not sleep on a lumpy couch.

"Is everything ok, Blue Hammer called me and said to come and get you. That you fell asleep on the bar. I have noticed you are tired all the time and you've been crying a lot lately. What's been going on?

"I think everything has finally caught up to me. I finally have gotten my summons, and just thinking of everything I need to do. I am thinking about having to rent a truck to bring my furniture back. I'm so tired of sleeping on the couch that's most likely why I'm so exhausted all the time."

"Well, I don't mind helping you with your stuff. We have a truck with an enclosed trailer that we can use to bring your stuff down."

"Thank you for that. That would be very helpful." All of a sudden a few tears have escaped. I'm trying to keep it together but it's all happened so fast and now so official. We pull up to my apartment and Blade walks me to my door, and for the first time a feel a sense of comfort all of a sudden. "Well thank you and good night." He then tells me good night and walks out the door.

I have been instructed to take a few days off and all I have done is sleep. However, it feels like I can't catch a break I've had the stomach flu that has been going around lately. My bathroom has been my bed lately since every time I get up a wave a nausea sets in, and have to go back to the bathroom. I've made the decision I have to get back to a routine and get back to work. I also have to let Hammer know that I have to go back to Nashville to finalize everything.

I jump into the shower and let the hot water just cascade off my body hopefully this will help me get this sick feeling off so I am able to get to work. I get in my SUV and just feel completely drained I haven't eaten too much today for the fact afraid to. On the upside, I didn't get sick today so maybe I'm on the mend. I walk into the bar and as soon as I get there I lock eyes with Whiskey and tears leave my eyes. He spots me and furrows his eyes brows. I run to him in a bone-crushing hug just crying my eyes out. He pulls me away and just stares at me checking to make to see if I'm hurt.

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