Chapter 26

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I have been released from the hospital and Ryder said I am to take a few days off and to be perfectly honest I am ok with that.  He asked Ruby to come and have a girl's day, which is very much needed.  

"Hey Babe I am headed out Ruby will be here soon.  If you go out somewhere let us know so we can have someone come with you."

"I know hun no problem thank you for letting her stop by. I am needed for some girl time that is for sure.  I am going to see if she would like to do some shopping for the boys and maybe get our nails done if that is ok?"

"That's fine just don't overdo it, please.  You were released from the hospital a few days ago and don't want you back in the hospital for overexerting yourself."

"I won't Love you"

"Love you too"  he leans down and gives me a sweet peck and gives my belly a quick peck also.  It is amazing how much he has stepped up and been a dad for someone who is caring for someone else's kids, but he has been truly amazing and couldn't be happier with how my life is going now.

I sit around the house clean a little bit waiting for Ruby to get here it's been ages since we have had some girl time, and I feel we have not seen each other in forever.

"Hey hey girl hows momma doing today"

"Ruby!!  I am good just needed some girl time"

"Girl I hear ya whiskey is being so overbearing right now with everything going on I am not able to have to much alone time for myself"

"Well, we have some time now how does shopping for the twins and us getting our nails down sound?"

"Sounds great let's go"

We get into my truck and we just catch up and discuss everything that is going on.  I told her what happened with Mark and all she said was Karma is a bitch.  She could not be more right with her statement.  However, I do have a small and I mean microscopic bit a sympathy towards Alysa.  I know she always wanted to be a mom, and from what I was told she won't have that chance.  We continue our gossip on our way to the store.

"You know I wish Babies R Us was still open it would make all of this so much easier you know since everything is in one spot."

"Well we have Target and the mall to work with so let's start at the Target then we can go to the mall eat to get a few more things and end with our nails and toes."

"Looks like we got a plan" all you can hear in the car is laughing it has been a long time since I have had a girlfriend and Ruby is quickly becoming one of my best friends.  It's not the same as Alysa but that bridge is long gone.  We get to target start looking around found some really cute items that I am sure that Ryder and the Boys would love, also found a few maternity clothes for me since I am getting bigger by the day I know I am having twins but I feel that may have gotten my due date wrong with how big I have gotten so quick.

"Hey are you ok"

"Yeah I am just thinking I feel as if they have my due date wrong I should not be this big right now I can't see my feet"

"Hey, it's ok from what I was told everyone shows a little differently."

"you know I love I am having two boys I really am but looking at all these clothes I wish one was a little girl. "

"I know little girl clothes are so cute, but what we found I know the boys would love them in that especially uncle Whiskey, and Uncle Hammer they already love them."

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