Chapter 33

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Hannah POV

I start to stir knowing that something is defiantly off, and I know something is very wrong.  I start to stir and I feel that I am tied to a bed.  I open my eyes and quickly regret it so much.


"Who's there?" I look around the room and try and focus on what is around me.  I am in a dingy room trying to get my bearings right.  I notice a chair on the side of the room with someone tied to it.  I focus more and notice that it is Whiskey.

"Oh my god whiskey are you ok?"

"I am fine, but I am more worried about you how are you feeling?"

"My head hurts, but other than that I am ok"

I am about to talk to him more and then the door opens up and three people walk in.  As I see who is in the room everything is coming back to me now, and I am in complete shock on who is in front of me.

"Oh I see the lady of the hour has finally graced us with her presence"

"Yeah well I can't say that the feeling is mutual James"

"Oh I see that smart mouth of yours is still in full force"

I notice that he is walking over to Whiskey who is looking rough.  He has cuts, and bruises,  and looks to have a black eye to go with it.  I was waiting for you to wake up so you can see how much fun we are having with your friend over here.  I know you see that we have two more people here to help out.  How do you feel to see who has been going behind your back?  

"Well, I can see why Mark is here let me guess.  HMM, you have taken me to be "NICE" and let him take my kids away from me and he can get custody.  Well, Mark good to see that you are defiantly a piece of shit that you would do that to the mother of your kids, but hey you never had a backbone and need someone else to do your dirty work for you.  News flash you won't get my kids."

Mark decided to make his presence known "Well if you are dead then I will get custody since I am the biological father to those boys"

"Yeah you would be right, but if you don't remember that you have gotten rid of your rights to these boys, so if you are successful you still would not get custody.  Know why..." I give a little smirk not knowing where this confidence is coming from but, I am not going down without a fight. "You see Mark what you fail to realize that I have been to a lawyer and if something were to ever happen to me then my boyfriend Ryder has custody of those boys, and he will not rest till he has his boys in his arms"  I finish the sentence and before I can piece together what is about to happen I feel contact with my face and figured out I was slapped across the face.

"You son of a bitch don't you dare hit her."

"Anyway well, that was fun so Hannah do you have anything else to say."

I will not let them see my cry I refuse to let them see me break.  I close my eyes count to five and then look at who the ultimate betrayal is.

"How could you?  What did I ever do to you?  What on earth would make you go behind all of your friends?"

"Oh, Hannah Hannah Hannah I am it has been in the works as soon as I figured out who you are.  I have been working with James for a while I needed to get in so I can take everyone down from the inside.  Funny thing is no one suspected me I was the loyal person ha see how that worked out for you"

"So what is the plan now kill me and my kids who by the way were there for everything I know you would not kill innocent kids"

"No that is why Mark is here he will take the kids and I will finish off everyone else so he and his family can be happy together."

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