chapter 11

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Pregnant? Pregnant? What am I going to do? The nurse continues to talk and she says your boyfriend here knows some information, and he will be able to help you with your pregnancy.  A boyfriend I turn and see Blade completely wide-eyed.  Thank you, ma'am I say to the nurse.  I look at blade 

"What did YOU DO!!" I yell.  As I raised my voice again nausea has set in.  I grab the bucket and Blade grabs my hair, and I continued to get sick.  "I can't do this I can't be a mother especially a single mom. Now I have this condition which makes it so much worse. "  Blade just sits there and listens while continuing to rub my back.  

"Hey, you are not alone in this.  We will help you."

"I am going to have to move back to Nashville so Mark can be apart of this child's life.  I know he did not want me, but surely he would want his child.  Right?"

"what in gods name made you say I was your girlfriend, and father to this child.  You realize you can get into a lot of trouble for that."

"We needed to get information about you, Whiskey said he was your brother, but that wasn't enough to get the information that was needed.  We were worried about your well being."

Before I can speak the door creaks open and I see Ruby holding a very very smelly flower bouquet.  I scrunch my nose and try to breathe deep but those flowers are not helping.  While dry heaving over the bucket I whisper "flowers out." Blade puts two and two together and lets Ruby know that she needs to get the flowers out.  Blade excuses himself to make a few phone calls.  While he is out I have the nurse come in and give me some medication saying this will help with my nausea a little.  I won't get rid of it, but it should help me from making it back into the hospital.  She also, explains again that I will need to stay another night just for observation, and I can have someone stay with me as well.  I was also given something in my IV to help me get to sleep.  My eyes start to get droop and Whiskey walks in. 

"You know girl ever since you walked into our lives you certainly make our day to day activities have kept us on our toes."  He walks to my bed and leans in and kisses me on my forehead.  "You know brother I have to make sure you are always alert" I giggled.  

"I overheard your conversation with Blade you won't leave us right.  You are the only family I have other than Ruby everyone will be upset if you leave."

"I don't know what choice I have. Our child needs to come  first like I told Blade he didn't want me, but we can come up something for our child."  After that conversation, Ruby pokes her head in.

"I'm sorry about the flowers I didn't think about it."  

"It's ok you didn't know.  Everything I have felt the last few weeks makes more sense. The tiredness, crying, and moodiness."

"Ruby love, I am going to stay with Hannah so she is not alone.  Is that ok babe I know we just got back"  "of course Babe" I would love to have a relationship like them.  I thought I did, but I guess I was wrong they have true adoration in their eyes.  Mark never looked at me like that not even on our wedding day.

Ruby notices my change in attitude "Hey Hannah what is wrong?"

"I just look at you and feel like that will never happen to me.  Who wants someone pregnant with someone else child. "

"A real man will he will love you as you deserve, and I can guarantee that he will have to go through me and every other biker in the MC."  I let out a laugh-cry with Whiskey confession then I hear to door open.

"He's right you know" Hammer comes in with big colorful bright balloons that say get well. I give a little chuckle.

He closes the door and places the balloons on the table next to me and kisses my forehead.  "Whoever wins your heart he will go thru all of us.  I am not letting anyone who I feel not worthy near my niece or nephew." 

The nurse walks in and lets everyone know that visiting hours are over and only one person can stay with me.  Ruby and Hammer give me a hug and Whiskey gets comfortable on the chair beside me.  All the lights are out and I am now comfortable.

"Blue Hun, you are not going to be alone, just don't leave us.  We will help you."

"Well, I have to leave for Nashville in two days that is a 7-hour ride for me to figure out what I need to do.  Why did Blade say he was my boyfriend? "

"I think he felt helpless about the whole situation, and he didn't know how to process it.  He cares about you you should have seen him when he saw you in the bathroom.  He looked scared, and he didn't know what to do to."

After Whiskey makes that confession I let sleep take over.  The next morning I am discharged and Hammer brings me back to the bar so everyone can see that I am alright.  We get to the bar, and Blade is there on his phone and looks mad as hell. "what's wrong with Blade?" 

"its club business don't let it worry you

I get out of Hammers truck and walk into the bar and everyone is there and reassured me that I will not be alone in this.  Hearing this information again I have made up my mind I am staying here, and I will work with Mark about custody of our baby.  I can not leave my first real family I love them all dearly.

Tomorrow on to Nashville to get this divorce finalized, and work out visitations for our peanut.

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