Chapter 18

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Twins, double.... how am I going to take care of two babies and deal with everything with James? Ryder said he will be there for me as well as the rest of the club which has been a god send. Ryder excused himself to make a call, while he was out the doctor came in a prescribed me a few more vitamins for me since I am now expecting more than one child now. He explained because of my condition for the next three months he wants me to come in twice a month instead of once just to make sure everything is ok with the babies. He said once I'm in my third trimester I should be in the clear. I'm thinking to myself I need to talk to Mary at this point in my life she is the closest thing I have to a mother, and I need her advice on how to cope with everything. I need her calm nature to help me wrap my mind around everything. Ryder walks back in asking if I am ready to head out.

"Can we go to the coffee shop?"

"of course do you want me to stay or do you want ma to bring you home?"

"I'm just going to stay if that is ok?"

"Of course love I will send someone there to make sure you are safe."

When he says that I kiss me on my temple. You know Mark never gave small gestures when we were together. I never thought I would have feelings for someone so quickly, but this man in front of me is showing me what I have been missing. We arrive at the coffee house and Mary is sitting in a booth in the corner working on her computer. I make my way to her and ask if I can join her.

"Where did you come from dear"

"Ryder dropped me off" as soon as I say his name her eyes just go wide with a smile creeping on her face.

"Ryder? He lets you call him Ryder"

"Yeah, he asked me this morning?"

"Is there anything going on with you and my son" she makes that statement and I smile and look down.

"I think we are trying to figure out what we are. I'm scared I like him, but I don't know how he can be with someone who is pregnant with someone else kids"

"KIDS as is more than one"

"Yeah I'm having twins"

"OH MY GOD, this is exciting."

" It was definitely a surprise that's for sure. The doctor wants me to come in every two weeks to make sure everything is ok."

" How are you feeling by the way"

" I get sick every day but not as much as I did before."

"Hows staying with Ryder"

"I had a nightmare, but he's been great with me. I'm scared, Mary. I can't have twins"

"oh, baby you will be fine. You have me, Ruby, Whiskey, Hammer, and Ryder with you."

"I know I know y'all will be around and I can't be more thankful for everything you have done for me, Mary. My mom's not here to help me, and I feel more at ease I have a mother figure to help."

"Oh, hun ill be there for everything don't you worry.  Let's get some tea and have the prospect bring you back so you can rest ok"

I nod and head out with the prospect that has been assigned to help me and head back to Ryder's house. I have had a big emotional day so I decide to head to Ryder's room to take a nap. I just don't think I can sleep anywhere else, at this point. He is the calming factor for me lately I just hope I don't overstep with me in his room. I change into jammies put my hair in a messy bun and just get comfy into the covers.

Ryder's POV

Ma gives me a call letting me know that Hannah went to the house and that the prospect I sent brought her there.  I'm about to walk out the club then I'm stopped by Whiskey and Hammer

"So howd everything go," Hammer asks

"It was good we have a lot in common"

"how was her appointment how's my nephew or niece," Whiskey asks

I chuckle with that "well your nieces or nephews are cooking well"

At the same time, they both say nieces or nephews. 

"Yeah she's pregnant with twins"

"Dude man are you ready for that? I mean I love Blue like a sister but I don't know if I could do that" Hammer states

"I didn't know if I could at first, but I'm falling for this girl. She can't help the situation she's in due to her fucker of an ex, but I want to see where this goes and I will let her set the pace. I need to go I don't want the prospect at my house for much longer.  Also, don't let Hannah know what you just said. She does care for you like a brother that would crush her what you just said."

Whiskey nodding in agreement he's not happy what Hammer just stated. I can tell he's a little disappointed in him with that statement. Whiskey said he will get Hannah in the morning to bring her to the coffee shop since she will be working all day. I get on my bike and get to the house a little later than I intended to. I tell the prospect to head out, and walk into the house and it's dark I start to Hannahs's room and I hear the Tv on in my room. I quietly head in that direction and notice Hannah is sleeping in my bed. I notice her shirt has risen a little and I can't help myself but walk to over to her and kiss her stomach those are gonna be my kids when everything is said and done. I go and get dressed for bed and fall into a comfortable sleep with Hannah wrapped in my arms.

James POV

"yo prez. We have some Intel"

"Well then what is it."

"Found out she works at the bar and the coffee shop"

"what about where she lives"

"That we are not sure about yet they are keeping her close."

"anything else?"

"We are thinking that she is dating there prez and here's the kicker she's pregnant"

"pregnant well this makes things a little more interesting for me. Tell Melanie that she needs to do some reconnecting with Blade."

I have lost four years of my life because of that little slut, and the funny thing is she just happens to in my backyard. I can't wait to get my hands on her and make her suffer for what she has done to me. I guess its also a bonus for the fact I would love to kill Blade at the same time.

"You asked for me?"

"Melaine it is time for you to go back and give Blade a little visit, and cause some drama while you are there. We need to drive Blade and Hannah apart so I can get my hands on her."

In due time Hannah you will be back with me, and I will make your life a living hell for what you have done to me.

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