Chapter 29

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Whiskey POV

Things have been pretty hectic lately.  I just have this uneasy feeling that something big is going to happen and happen soon.  I have told Ryder and Hammer about my hunch and they agree that something will happen soon.  I have agreed to keep all of my thoughts about everything and not to explain anything to anyone.  Someone is lying to us and I know it is someone close to us I don't fully trust Hammer at this point.  The only people I trust are my ole lady, Hannah, and Ryder.  

"Hey babe is everything ok"

"Yeah something is bothering me, and I am not sure what it is?"

"Well you should be happy your nephews are getting checked up on today"

" I know and I am happy and I need to get to the bar soon, but I am going to stop and get something to eat for Hannah.  I know what she would like to eat and I know Ryder is getting stressed that we have no been able to find the mole. I know it is someone close to us, but I am not sure who?"

"Oh babe don't worry about it so much you know the boys have everything taken care of in fact no one leaves her side, and I know that is testing her patience.  I do want to ask you a question though if that is ok?"

"Of course baby what is it?"

"Have you thought about us having kids?"

"Yeah I have, but I am not ready for that yet, and you said not that long ago that you agree did you change your mind?"

"Yes and no we are not getting any younger and I don't want to wait too much longer?"

"How about this how about we wait till the boys are born which is not much longer and we will start trying there.  I don' want to have to worry about you as well when he haven't gotten James yet, and to add someone else's pregnant girlfriend to the mix I think that will be a little too much.  I think that is a fair compromise don't you think baby?"

"Yeah and your right they should be due in the next few weeks, and everything will be back to where it was.  I love you and thank you for listening and not getting upset."

"Of course babe love you and I will see you later.  Oh while I am thinking about it do you want to get with Mary and some of the other ladies to try and help get a baby shower together.  Ryder asked to reach out to you and I do know that she could use some girl time.  You have been busy with work and have not been around much lately which I understand.  I have to go, babe."

I leave the house on my back and I am just replaying the conversation back in my mind am I ready to be a father.  I never had much of a parental figure as I grew up hell I was always getting in trouble.  It wasn't until I joined the MC and met Ryder and his mother that made me feel like I had a place to call home as well as family.  When I met Hannah she has quickly come to me as a younger sibling that bond formed so quick and I won't change it for the world.  I have someone to look after.  I get the food for Hannah and we have a little heart to heart and to listen to her and she's on the verge of tears it shows I know I made the right decision that was needed to hire her.  Ryder overhears our conversation and reassures her that she needs to hear to know that he will not leave her.  IF FOR SOME REASON THAT FUCKER DECIDES TO LEAVE I WILL BE THERE to help her through her process, and if it means that we leave this place I will go with her, and take Ruby with us.  

Hannah and Ryder leave and Hammer comes up to me to have a little pow-wow. 

"Something is not right something will be happening and happening soon," Hammer states while drinking his usual bourbon.

"Dude I was feeling the same way this morning with Ruby at this point I don't trust anyone at this point."

"James is a sneaky bastard, and I know we do not have the time that the doctors are saying in regards to Blue.  We need to find him and take him down before these babies get here.  I honestly don't think he gives a shit about the babies, he just wants to hurt her."

" I agree she may have 8 weeks left before those kids come, and I don't want the fact that the fucker is still around."  I am listening very closely to what he is saying as I said I do not know if he has the right intentions to this.  

"you think she will pop that early.  I agree she is big lol"

"Dude is she hears you say that you will have to deal with a pissed off Ryder.  She is not stopping with the crying and it is too much for me."

"I am not dumb I know better than that."

"I just know if I know and I am close to the RAT I will KILL them ya hear me"

He looks like he is thinking about my threat not knowing if I am directing it to him or not.  I hope I made it clear in that threat it means him as well.  No One and I mean no one will be able to get away from my wrath.

"Well I guess we are in agreeance"  he gives me a handshake and takes the last bit of his drink, walks away.  

I am sitting at the bar and taking a good look at everyone and thinking anyone of these fuckers who is out to hurt my kid sister I will go and kill them.

"Whiskey man how is everything?" Ryder shows up out of nowhere with two beers in his hands.

"I am good how was the appointment"

"Dude it was good I feel bad for Hannah they said that they have the due date correct, but we know in our gut it is wrong.   She had a little pain when they were doing the ultrasound and you can see one of the babies just completely shift and Hannahs's face was of complete horror.  Then the heartbeat sounded different we asked if the babies have a heart defect and he said not that he can see."

"What do you mean is something wrong with the babies?"

"They said no, but Hannah and I have decided we are going to go into the delivery with the mindset that something will be off just to have us mentally prepared and if everything is good then we are good if not then it will not be a complete shock."

"I see where your from did anything else happen"

"No, but we need to handle James and speaking of James.  Hammer said something to me that has me thinking."

"that would be?"

"Do you not trust him?"

"honestly when it comes to her the only person I trust is you in all.  I trust Ruby, but you are the only one I know for a fact would not want anyone to hurt her."

"don't worry I will find the fucker that is the Rat and I will make their death a slow and painful one that is not a threat that is a promise"

"I want to be there with you when we find this fucker."

"I would not have it any other way.  On a lighter note, we need the girls to do that stupid baby shower that they are going to make us go to."

"Yeah, I have it handled."

I hear footsteps come from behind me and hear a laughing Blue.

"What up?"

She goes and take me and Ryder's hands and places them of her belly.  She says hold on and you will feel it as soon as she says that I feel something but its not a kick.

"What is that baby?" Ryder looks at her confused.

I look up looking for an answer and she says something that just has to be smiling.

"They have the hiccups"

We both look up at her and look at each other and that knowing looks that we love these boys they will be protected.

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