Chapter 12

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The day has come for the long trek to Nashville.  Blade kept his word and got the truck with the enclosed trailer, he also enlisted the help from Hammer to load up everything.  I am kinda freaking out a little about everything that is going to happen.  I know I am going to have to see Mark I just hope I do not want to see Alysa.  

"Before we take off do you have your pills the Doc has prescribed," Hammer asked quickly.  Ever since that trip to the hospital I do not get sick as much I still have morning sickness, but it is more manageable.  They also prescribed me a higher dose of prenatal vitamins.  I have to take those to make sure peanut gets as many nutrients as possible since I am not able to keep everything down.  "Yeah I got both prescriptions" We are headed to leave and Hammer is taking Whiskey's truck,  and I am going to ride with Blade.  I do kinda want to get to know him a little more.  Blame these damn pregnancy hormones.  

"So is your name really Blade?"

Blade scoffs at my question "No it is not its Ryder"

Ryder that name is really sexy.  "Ryder hum that sounds nice.  Can I call you that."

"No only my old lady and Ma is able to call me that"

"You have an old Lady?"

"No, not anymore"

"What happened?"

"We are not having this conversation right now"

"I told you all about my problems why don't you talk to me" 

"Ugh fine but don't ask any question" I nod at his request "Her name was Melanie she was everything to me at the time.  We are not always a legit MC we were apart of the 1%'s gun-running, and drugs.   Anyway, I was the VP of that MC and James was the President.  I have been working on a few projects about becoming a legit MC.  I wanted to start a family with Melanie and my thought process was I can not raise a family in that lifestyle.  They will always have a target on there back.  There were only a few people that knew what my intention was and they were of course Hammer and the love of my life.  I was headed to my room and I hear Moans and groans coming from our room, come to find out she has been sleeping with him and giving him my information.  We parted ways and we left and left Melanie's tramp ass with James.  She has reached out to me, and gives me this BS excuse and that she still loves me.  I thought she was everything to me, but I was wrong."

I touch his arm and I know he understands the meaning behind this gesture.  "I know how you feel at least she tried to get you back.  Mine just tossed me aside as if I was garbage. I do not know what to do tomorrow when I face him tomorrow.  I know you can't come inside with me tomorrow, but can yall wait outside for me."  I look up at him with teary eyes. "I will not be able to I have a business to discuss, however, I already discussed this with Hammer you won't be by yourself."  Thank statement alone gives me a little peace of mind.  I ask Blade to please stop and the next restroom.  That is another symptom I am dealing with having to pee every 5 min.  We get back into the car and I take a nap the rest of the way.  

We arrive at the hotel in Nashville and Hammer is looking all around getting a little too excited to have this many females around him.  I swear that man is such a manwhore.  

"Well, I am going to get someone on one treatment.  I will see you tomorrow Blue." he kisses my cheek and hope back into the truck. 

"What time is your meeting tomorrow morning?"

"I have to be there at 10:30" Well I am going to take a shower, order room service, and watch a movie. Do you want to join me?"

"Yeah, why not what movie do you want to watch? I will be nice and let you chose any movie since you are not feeling too well."


I can not believe I just spilled my guts out like that.  Especially bout Melanie Hammer is the only one who knows what that tramp has done.  We are in a suite with two rooms so we do not get separated just for precautions.  You never know what an ex is capable of in fact it was Hammers's idea for us to share a suite.  I swear he is getting just a whipped as Whiskey when it comes to Hannah.  She seems to be having a better day today shes only got sick twice which is a step in the right direction for her.  I hear the water turn off in the shower, and I am having a sense I just want to go into her shower and show her how a man should treat a woman.  I have not had those urges in a long time, and I should not be having these thoughts about her.  The door of the Bathroom opens she steps out and a cloud of steam follows her out of the room.  Holy shit I readjust myself so she is not able to see what thoughts that have been crossing my mind.  

"I am about to order room service what are you craving today?" Man I sound like such a pussy.

"BBQ sound perfect, and you did say any movie correct?"

"Yeah, I did," I say reluctantly what kind of garbage is she going to make me watch.

"Ok well, I have the perfect movie in mind.  Do you mind we watch the movie in the bed please I can not stand to be on a couch anymore." I give a laugh yeah that is fine room service get here, and just lay out a picnic and actually enjoy each other's company.  We finish our dinner and she calls out to Hammer and I's room that she has the movie on.  I walk in she is wearing shorts and my hoodie.  

"I am sorry I saw it on the bed and looked really comfy I hope you do not mind." HOLY MOTHER OF GOD SHE HAS MY HOODIE ON AND SHE LOOKS FINE AS HELL. I clear my throat "oh um yeah sure so what kind of torture are you going to make me watch" she lights up with a smirk and hops on the bed and gently pats beside her.  I make my way towards the bed get comfy to look at the tv and notice The Princess Bride.  "You have got to be kidding me right" "You said any movie and I want this movie"  before we get comfy I ask "have you taking your pills" she looks up and said "yup" She hits the play button and she just stares at the screen.  I have no idea what time it is I wake up and hear the door open and know that it is Hammer.  I try to get up and go greet him, but I am unable to move I look for the source and see that Hannah has her head on my chest and legs wrapped on top of mine and her arm stretched around my stomach.  I really take a good look at her and I feel at peace and a sense of comfort.  

"What the hell is going on here" Hammer whisper yells when he sees us in this position.  "I swear if you had sex we will have a problem here that is for sure"

"Nothing happened we fell asleep watching a movie."

He looked back and forth to us "you know this is the first time I have seen her just content as if nothing is bothering her.  Listen, dude, I know you have a feeling for this girl but make sure you talk to Whiskey about it first he would be hurt, and please don't hurt that poor girl's heart.  However, I think you too would be a good couple.  she would  be a good old lady for you, but make sure you are honest with her." 

" I know man I am worried about how she will handle tomorrow, please don't leave her alone I have this gut feeling this guy will not be happy that she is pregnant and don't think he will take it very well."

"Oh trust me, I am not leaving her side"

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