Chapter 25

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Beep....... Beep.......Beep

What is that incessant beeping sound it's giving me a headache? I look around and see nothing but white walls and a go-to cover my eyes and I feel a weight holding my hand down. I look to the side and see Ryder holding my hand and his head on my lap. I go and move his hair to the side and he looks up at me then puts his head back down. It takes a few seconds before he shoots his head up and moves right next to me. "Oh, Babe I was so worried about you" while he leans down and gives me a kiss.

"Are the babies ok?"

"Yes, Sweetheart they are fine, the did give us a scare, but now with your body temperature is up their heartbeats are back to where they need to be."

"I am sorry I do not know how this happened I was doing inventory for your mom and the door shut and would not move"

"Hey, it's ok we figured it out when you didn't call then Ma called and we put two and two together. I am sorry I was not there fast enough I almost lost you."

"How did this happen"

"We know someone did it on purpose there was a chair that was wedged in the door. Do you know who it could be."

"No it was just me and the pros......pect" My eyes go wide with realization.

"It was him it has to be him he's been acting weird for the past few weeks"

"I don't know babe he requested to watch you from the beginning, and in fact, he is at the clubhouse with an injury to the back of the head he was knocked out"

"Something in my gut is saying its someone close to use. I am sorry for jumping to conclusions I feel something big is going to happen, and I can't lose you, Hammer, Whiskey, or Ruby. I love yall too much your family."

"Knock Knock Blue you are ok. Oh thank god you had all of us so worried"

"Hammer I am fine thanks to yall. Where's Whiskey?"

"He will be here soon he's trying to get Rudy"

We are all just sitting around and talking having a good time. The doctor says I am able to leave tomorrow. Whiskey walks in and does his thing to make sure that I am ok. He did give me antibiotics in case I got sick from being in the freezer. I am looking at all the people in the room that I love so much then another knock comes through and I see a face that I never thought I would see again. Mark

Whiskey and Hammer look up and go wide-eyed, and Ryder looks like he wants to kill him.

"What the hell are you doing here Mark?"

"I was called and said you were in the hospital and I came down to see if you were ok and to see if we can talk?"

"Who called you?"

"I have no idea they were muffled but sounded like some chick"

"Well I am fine and you can leave now"

"I am not leaving until we talk"

Ryder grabs my hand and gives me a gentle squeeze "you are not talking to here without me present"

"She's my wife"

"EX-WIFE you cheated on me with Alysa you will talk with him here, or this conversation is over!!!" I am screaming and my heart monitor is starting to beep faster.

Hammer and Whiskey lean down to my ear and whisper "blue hun you need to calm down remember the babies" and all I can do is nod Ryder eyes have not left Mark's while holding my hand rubbing circles try to get me to calm down

"Fine he can stay" Everyone files out of the room and Whiskey decides to talk "You hurt my sister I will kill you"

"She doesn't have a brother"

Hammer walks behind Whiskey with daggers in their eyes "see that is where you are wrong she has two who will kill for her if you so much as hurt her" they walk out the room and Ryder sits on the side of the bed while continuing to hold my hands. He also places his hand protectlvely around my belly. I look up at him and smile while he gives me a kiss on my head"

"Why are you here?"

" I want to ask for your forgiveness and please come home I miss you and our life together"

"Yeah that is a hard no, I am not leaving here I love it here and love these people who have grown into my family. I will not leave my family. If I am not mistaken you are with Alysa so what happened there?"

"She found out that she is not able to have kids and I know I want kids"

"You have got to be shitting me right now right? The only reason you are here is that your girlfriend can't get knocked up and I am pregnant now. If I remember correctly you signed your rights away without a second thought. I am not going back with you, and you are not having anything to do with these babies that is final. Now get the hell out of my room!!!"

"You can't do that that is my baby"

Before I can say anything Ryder speaks up "No they are not your babies as Hannah has stated you said you did not want kids with her and again you signed your rights away now leave. I am not going to have you stress her or the babies out"

"So you are going to step up and play daddy to someone else's kid that don't belong to you?"

OHHHH he should not have said that. Oh, this will be fun to watch to bad I don't have my phone to record this and send it to the boys "Boy these are my kids they may not have my DNA, but damn I will take care of them and love them like they are my own. I go to every appointment gone to get any craving she has in the middle of the night. I talk to them every night you lost that right hell you signed over that right to me that is much worse. I stepped up and I love this woman and those boys. As far as I am concerned you don't exist and never will. Now GET THE HELL OUT OF MY GIRLS ROOM AND NEVER STEP FOOT IN THIS AREA AGAIN."

"Wait, boys?"

"Yes I am having twin boys now leave you are not welcome"

The boys walk in and escort him out and make sure he leaves. Ryder sits next to me and pulls me to his side. "baby you ok"

"I am fine as long as you are here I love you"

"I love you also baby girl, and you my boys" as he kisses my belly.


What James if you keep calling me they will put two and two together. No, they have no idea that I am with you, hell I heard that Hannah thinks its the prospect they have no idea it is me. Oh, trust me I will let this play out and when I feel the time is right I will let them know it is me who is the one that betrayed them. She has so much trust in me that when the time is right I will make my presence known. I also have an idea that will take care of another problem that will arise at some point but I now know how to handle this one.

Yeah yeah, we will keep in touch I will reach out to you, not the other way around.


Who do you think the traitor is?

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