Chapter 37

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Blade POV

I am freaking out right now I am holding our baby boy and Hannah's scream is very concerning she didn't do that for the birth of the boys.  She looks to be in excruciating pain to the point she wants to pass out.  I never expected to hear those words "looks like we are not done"

"What do you mean we are not done there's two" 

The doctor is looking at me and looking at the screen and he looks very concerned.

"Get me an ultrasound now!!!" He screams as forcefully as he can and the nurse runs off scared that he raised his voice.  I am happy we have this doctor and not the other one I trust him with my kids and the love of my life.

The nurses bring the machine to him and she screams again I go to her head and give her kisses and just give her comforting words she is terrified about what she is hearing to the point she can't form a sentence.   He is looking around on the ultrasound and now he looks worried and different beeping sounds are all around us.

"Baby is breached and cord wrapped are its neck.  Prepare OR for emergency C Section"

Hannah is freaking out and she finally says something

"is the baby ok?"

"We don't know the baby is in distress now and we need to get it out now.  Dad put these on and we can finish prepping her for surgery"

I do as I am asked and now I am in scrubs they ask me to step out real quick while they finish. I step out of the room and I see all of our family and friends waiting in the hall.

"How is she, and the babies?"

I am trying to be strong right now but from the look of everything, it doesn't look good.

"Well the first two are good over four pounds and boys, but..."

Hammer quickly catches on "Wait first two what are you talking about and why are you wearing scrubs?"

"Well, it turns out there are three of them, and it's in distress, breached, and the cord is wrapped around its neck.  Hannah is in a lot of pain and they are prepping her for emergency surgery.  I am scared we were not prepared."

Whiskey chimes in "Hey everything will be ok, Blue is strong that baby is strong it will be ok"

The door swings open and here comes Doctor and nurses with Hannah still crying and we are heading to surgery.  We arrive and I look down and she is strapped down to the bed, and tears are streaming down her face.

"Hey baby look at me he will be fine they will make sure he is ok.  I love you I am right here."

"I am so scared I didn't know there were three I didn't know I didn't know."

"Hey hey we had no idea they are doing everything they can to bring him into the world ok we will figure it out baby we always do"

I am just stroking her hair wiping her tears and the doctor is working as fast as he can to get our little one into this world. I am taken out of my thoughts when the doctors start to talk.

"Ok, there is the little one  Dad I am talking you through this so you know what is going on ok?  I have turned the baby around and they will make their appearance in about 1 min once I remove the cord.  Here is your little bundle."

"I don't hear crying?"

"They are cleaning the airway out now"

He says those words and we hear the cries of a baby very faint, but they are cries.  

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