Chapter 19

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I wake up and look behind me and I see Ryder sleeping soundly right next to me. Determined to get my day started I get up then a wave of nausea hits me and rush to the bathroom getting sick yet again. Before I could get up Ryder was beside me holding my hair up while I grip the toilet. I'm so ready for this shit to be over with. I get up and was given a warm towel as well as a glass of water. I start to get up and feel little light-headed and start to sway on my feet a little before I fall Ryder is there to catch me.

"Slow down love"

"I'm sorry about all of this"

"Hey, it's ok let me help you. Would you like some toast and orange juice that's easy to keep down and good for the babies" While he is saying all of this he comes behind me and kisses my neck.

"That sounds great and I will go ahead and get dressed I will be down in a few" I start getting ready and notice that my pants are starting to getting a little tight. Ugh, this can't be happening already. I head downstairs and see Ryder making breakfast with his back facing me without his shirt. Dear God, he's fine I'm thinking to myself these hormones are going to be the death of me.

"hey, you look stressed what's going on?"

"Nothing my clothes are not fitting anymore. I just thought I had more time" he nods and hands me my vitamins.

"Well just have Ruby and Whiskey go shopping with you."

"I'll think about it."

We are sitting down for breakfast and we hear a banging on the door. Ryder jumps up and heads to the door with his hand on a gun tucked into his pants. 

"Stay here" he speaks authoritatively 

I did what was asked and I hear a lot of commotion upfront and I am able to distinguish that it was Whiskey.  They come into the kitchen, and Whiskey plops right beside me.  

"Was banging on the door really necessary?" I say while rolling my eyes.

"Yeah I didn't know if you were awake or not.  You look good sis and congrats on the twins how are you feeling about that?"

"I'm nervous, but not like I was yesterday I know I have yall to help me if I need it, which makes me not as stressed. I am just worried about James and if he knows that I pregnant.  That is what concerns me the most right now."

"You know we won't let that happen right.  You are safe with us." Whiskey states matter of factly.

"You can't guarantee that we both know that."

Ryder comes around the corner and sits right next to me with his breakfast "Hannah we won't let that happen the whole club has your back."

"Well anyway Blue go and get your things and I can bring you to the cafe"

"I am already to go my things are by the door."

We get up and head to my SUV since Whiskey drove his motorcycle and Ryder didn't want me to ride with anyone other than him anyway.  I am pretty sure my motorcycle days are done now that I am starting to show.  I get to the cafe and noticed that seem to be a little slow.  I notice that Mary is walking around with a clipboard in her hand.  

"Do you want any help?"

"I am just doing inventory, but your help would be appreciated."  As she is making her statement I can see that she has lifted her eyebrows while studying me pretty intently.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Oh, nothing  I am just noticing that your clothes are a little too tight"

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