Chapter 4

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The following morning I get up and head to get some coffee, and maybe ask around from some of the local to see if there is a place that is hiring. Maybe I can go find a local Funeral Home and see if they are hiring. It would be better knowing I didn't have to start over completely with a new career.

Hannah walks down main street looking around the small town that she has adopted as her new home, and she comes to find a cute little coffee shop named the Busy Bean. " Aww, that is so catchy." She walks in and finds an older woman in her mid 50's, who may I add, looks amazing for her age. 

"Good Morning Hun, what can I get you this morning?"

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"Good Morning Hun, what can I get you this morning?"

"Oh, good morning, can I please have coffee with sugar?"

"I have not seen you around here before, are you new in the area or are you just passing thru"

Wow these people are observant that for sure. I guess that is a perk of a small town "I am thinking about moving here I have not fully made my mind up yet."

"Well we are a small community as you can probably guess but its home we love it and the people who live here take care of their own", she said with the warmest smile. "Here is your coffee and a blueberry muffin on the house."

"Thank you very much for your kindness, umm do you know where there are some apartments for rent or someone who maybe hiring?"

"Well I am looking for some help here, but I am not sure if that is what you are looking for but the job is your if you would like it my name is Mary Callahan."

"Thank you, I will keep that in mind thank you for your hospitality" Hannah turns around and scopes the coffee shop and finds a little booth in the corner. She goes to sit down and pulls out her tablet to start looking for places to rent and looking for a local funeral home for a possible job. Hannah goes back to motel and takes inventory of the clothes that she has left due to that bitch cutting all of her good clothes. She finds one outfit that will work she pulls out a black pencil skirt, white blouse, and black heels, light makeup, and a sleek back pony tail.

  She finds one outfit that will work she pulls out a black pencil skirt, white blouse, and black heels, light makeup, and a sleek back pony tail

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outfit choice with just black heals

I pulled into the parking lot of the funeral home and proceeded with my brief case as I gave myself a pep talk hoping my resume would stand out.

"Good morning, I am looking for the owner or manager. Are they availble to speak with me" I checked the paper and called earlier to verify that they did not have any services schduled today. The receptionist buzzes someone and brings me to an office to the side of the front desk. She gives me a look as if she is judging me and then she excuses herself. thinking to myself "Umm, ok not a great start, but at least she didn't show me the door." After about five min, an older gentleman walks in and just blatantly says" We are not looking to change providers. Please leave my building." I just sat there thinking to myself, "What just happened?"

I quickly get up before he walks out the door "Um, excuse me sir. I am sorry ,but I am not a representative for any company."

He replied "Oh, what can I do for ya?"

I replied, "I am actually here to see if you are looking for anyone who can help with families who need help pre-arranging or maybe help around here. I have come from Nashville where I was a the Vice President of sales of an insurance company with a total of 6 different Funeral Homes underneath me."

The gentleman gave me a look with his eyebrows furrowed, and then he gave me a glimmer of hope "Well let me see your license and we can see if everything checks out" he replied.

I cleared my throat and timidly explained, "Well, I lost my license when my previous employer let me go. I can ,however, take the state test and get my license renewed for this state."

The owner stated, "Well Mrs. McCool I'm sorry, I'm afraid we're not a good fit. I want someone who is licensed now, not someone who has to start over."

I replied, "Well thank you, for your time and if you change your mind please let me know."

I left the Funeral Home and began driving back to my motel. I thought to myself, "I need to find a place to live cause that motel just won't cut it." Unfortunately, the apartment complex I found had no vacancies. My mood just dropped. "I am done for the day, I think its time for a drink." I defeatedly muttered to myself as I turned the corner and saw that there was a run down bar right across the street from the apartment complex. There were several motorcycles parked outside.

I walked into the bar and notice that there were several burley men in some form of leather vest, and they just sit and stare at me. After the past few days that I have endured I could care less going to the bar with these sketchy men. This guy behind the bar that is heavily tattooed just looked at me with a look of trying to figure me out.

"Um I think you are in the wrong place sweetheart."

I looked up and say "at this point I can care less please can I have a beer and 'keep them coming.'"

The bartender gives her a hard look and slides a beer my way "rough day?" he asks.

I scoff, hell its been a terrible 4 days "guess you could say that" I say sitting at the bar. Fiddling with my wedding ring I didn't realize I was still wearing it. Trying to figure out what to do with this band that was supposed to mean for better or worse death do us part. I just mutter to myslef that I should have known better.

"Well what's going on in that little head of yours?"

I take a deep breath and just lets it all out for the first time and have a complete utter breakdown in the middle of the bar.

"well sweetheart that is a lot to swallow, what is your name?"

"Hannah" while wiping my tears "whats yours?"

"Whiskey is what they call me"

"Nice to meet you"


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