Chapter 7

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Pic of Hammer

It's been two weeks since I've arrived in Winnsboro, and I have made myself a little routine. I work six days a week for both jobs. Coffee shop in the morning except for two nights where I close. The rest of the time I work at the bar. Whiskey said he was impressed on how quickly I've adapted to the "biker style" that he means I can handle my own. At first, the men were trying to break me, but they started to warm up to me and the majority have started to call me the "club princess" apparently means I've been accepted. It feels nice to feel as if I belong and have a family again.

I have been dreading to make a call to Mark and let him know where I am. I do not want to let him know I have been living in a motel room. I'm sitting at the bar looking at my phone and Whiskey comes and sits next to me.

"Hey blue, why you looking so blue" he lets out a chuckle.

I look at him with my eyebrows raised, "I need to call Mark, but I don't want to tell him I'm living in a motel. I just need to get this divorce over with and move on with my life. I haven't slept in days for some reason I'm still crying over him and losing my best friend. The betrayal is just too much." I'm doing everything I can to keep myself from crying.

Whiskey comes and round the bar and pulls me to his chest and gives me a huge bear crushing hug. "Blue look at me." I look up "Hun everything will be ok you don't have to do anything right now. We will figure it out. Emily says you can live with us until you find something." I shake my head "I can't do that and you know it." Emily comes into the bar looking between us, "you know I love y'alls relationship so brother-sistery  like." I can't explain it but our relationship definitely has developed that brother-sister bond. It was almost immediately how our bond has happened so quickly.

"Hannah are you ok? You don't seem like yourself "

"Yeah I'm just tired working all the time, and everything with Mark"

"Oh blue, we will figure it all out. We are your family we will help you with anything you need. We have a room you can have".

"I know Emily and thank you, but I need to do this on my own. "

All of a sudden the doors fly open and two men walk in. One of them is fully tatted blond hair with a man bun. The other guy is the most gorgeous specimen of a man I've ever seen. Short beard, brown hair, green eyes, and sleeved arms with tattoos. Omg he's looking right at me I swallow hard and divert my eyes to anywhere but this man in front of me.

"Who the hell are you!"

"Um my name is Hannah"

"Whiskey get your ass over here now" Whiskey quickly hurries over and I notice he has one of the same vests as all the other men, but his says, president. I see whiskey and sexy man are having a heated conversation. I see whiskey looking at me with sorrow in his eye. The other man walked in with him and came and sat right in front of me. "So who are you, and why are you in my bar? "Well you see I just moved here and really needed a job and I practically begged whiskey for an opportunity. I also work at the Busy Bean to get some extra cash." I say as confident as I can say trying to keep eye contact. All the other men tried the same with me and this is what I did, and they all warmed up to me.

"Well I am sorry to say but Whiskey should not have hired you he is not allowed to hire anyone that is not in this club. Before you say anything we don't except women in this club unless they are old ladies."

"I understand, but I begged Whiskey for this job. He said I had to toughen up. I have worked for the past two weeks, and I have established a relationship with your MC.  I believe I have deserved this opportunity to continue working here.  I am sorry, but I really need this job you don't understand. "

"Well sweetness I am sorry to say, but that is not how the rules work around this MC, and we will have to address this accordingly.  Meaning you are no longer working here at this establishment.  you have to go somewhere else.  I will see you out and I suggest you don't come back.  Blade here will escort you out. "

"Please don't do this I really need this job.  I know I can do this you have to give me a chance"  I can see the wheels turning in this dudes head and he looks at my eyes as if he is looking into my soul.  I can hear arguing from across the bar between I guess this Blade guy, and Whiskey trying to convince these men to continue working here.  Then I hear these words "EVERYONE CHURCH IN 30 MIN and Whiskey it's either you or her, but then again it may be your time to go anyway since you think you can make rules when everyone is gone.  GET OUT OF THE BAR NOW!"

"Wait!!! You can't fire Whiskey I will leave.  He told me this was a possibility, but I didn't think he was actually serious"  I am doing everything I can to keep myself together and not let my tears fall from my eyes.  I will not give them the satisfaction of seeing me break. I proceed to walk out and look at Whiskey and give him a hug, "thank you Whiskey, for everything you have done for me, and I will never forget you."

He returns the hug "Blue sweetheart"  Then I get yanked out of his arms and is asked to leave.  Ruby looks at me and her hand is over her mouth trying not to cry, she makes her way to me, but whiskey holds her back whispering in her ear.  I see when her eyes go to the ground, and look up at me with tears falling from her eyes.  At this point, I now know its time for me to go.  Well, I look at the guy in front of me and behind me, and muster the courage to say, "Well I guess I am not wanted, y'all can go to hell."  I hold my head up high and proceed to walk to my car, and just look at all the other bikers who are giving me a look of sorrow.  I walk and a feel a hand on my shoulder and look to see Whiskey "blue we will figure it out I will help you with anything.  You know we love you" "Thank you Whiskey, but I can see when I am not wanted."  I give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. " I love y'all to"  I can't help it anymore a sob falls out of my mouth, and a tear has officially fallen out of my eyes.  Before I leave I stare at Blade right in the eyes with a look of disgust, and walk out the door. With the little dignity, I have left.

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