Chapter 13

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Authors Note

****I do not know anything about divorce laws, but I like these for they help with my story sorry if I offend someone*****  LANGUAGE IN THIS CHAPTER

I try to get out of the bed and notice that I am unable to get up.  I look at the source and notice that I am still in bed and I see that Blade's arm is around me.  I look at him and I mean really look at him think about the evening before, and I have come to terms that I feel very comfortable with Blade maybe something a little bit more.  Last night was probably the best night's sleep I have had since I left Mark or in fact years.  Not entirely sure if it is because I am not on a couch, or its because this tall handsome man made me feel a sense of comfort and safety.  I get look at my phone and realize that it is 9:15 am.  Oh shit, I mumble to myself I get to wiggle my way out of Blades grasp.  I make my way to the shower and get ready for the day ahead.  Nerves have officially set in as well as morning sickness I make my way to the toilet and empty the contents of my stomach yet again. "I am so ready for this to be over peanut.  Your making mommy sick." 

"You alright" Blade walks into the bathroom.

"yeah morning sickness and nerves are getting to me"

Blade walks in the bathroom and I notice I am still in my towel, however, he is staring right into my eyes not to make this situation any more awkward which I am very grateful for. "Hey everything will be fine Hammer will be with you the entire time, and I will be there by the time you get out. Remember you are not alone in anything you will always have us."

I look at him I am not sure if it is the hormones, but his words make me want to jump his bones and cry at the same time.  So I hide the first and thought and tears escape my eyes.  "Sorry damn hormones are making me a wreck."  He leaves the bathroom and gets dressed and states to both Hammer and myself that he is leaving.  I proceed to get dressed in a red-orange and black dress with a black blazer to match and red-orange heals.  I step out of the room and I see that Hammer is ready to go.

"You look, good hun, let's show this fucker and that tramp that they messed with the wrong girl."

His confession gets rid of the butterflies and makes me feel better with everything that is about to happen.  "When should I talk to him about the baby" 

"Hun its all about how you feel in the moment, and when you think you are ready to let this asshole know"  That right there is why I love these people.  I have never really had anyone who has truly had my back.  Thinking back to all of the things I have done with Alysa.  Her words never truly hit me like the ones these rough men they call bikers have.  I truly believe that they have my back and they are my true family that I have grown to cherish.  We head out of the hotel and get into his truck "you know you never really drive your motorcycle that I see."

"I do but right now the truck is what is needed to help my little sis out."

Twenty minutes later we arrive at the attorney's office, and I look behind me and I see Hammer "Hey I am right here, and will not leave." Before I head in the grabs my arm and hands me my pills and bottled water "I am sure you forgot with everything going on so I took it upon myself to bring it just in case."  I take the pills and water and chug it down "thank you I did forget" He pulls me into a bear hug and reminds me that he is right there for me, and kisses me on my head.

I walk into the office and I see Mark sitting there holding Alysa hand.  I roll my eyes and take my seat.  The attorney walks in.  "Ok let's get this going"

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