Chapter 24

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There are several different POV in this chapter 

James POV

It has been a little over a month and a half since the failed mission on Hannah.  My insider has been keeping me updated on everything that is going on, and they have no clue.  What morons I have decided I was going to take a different approach to how I was going to go about doing things.  Melissa has been proven she is useless.  His loyalty is to Hannah and he will not stray from what I have been told.  I am going to toy with them and then make my move and hell why not wait till she is further along in her pregnancy to truly strike.  We just left church an hour ago and I am informed that Hannah is alone right now.  Well, it looks like it's my time to make my move.

Hannah POV

I am not 20 weeks pregnant and my god I am already exhausted.  I have informed Mary my last day with her will be tonight until I have the babies.  I was worried about how she would feel, but she made me feel so much better knowing that she was also going to make me step down.  She even went as far as stating I do not need to work at the bar anymore period, but he tunes changed when I convinced her I am safer there than anywhere else, and it is something to do.  At this point, I am helping Hammer and Whiskey with paperwork, and not really tending bar anymore since its too much on my feet.  The babies are growing perfectly so far I just hope we stay on this tread, and not have any setbacks. I have realized I have gotten so much bigger than I expected around 20 wks.  I guess it because I am having twins and boys at that, but I just seem to be as big as a house.  I am getting to where I am not able to see my feet soon Ryder will have to help me tie my shoes since I will not be able to reach.  

"Hey baby you should be resting until you go in tonight"

"I am just wanted to clean the kitchen real quick.  Hey um, should we still be worried about James?  We haven't heard from him and I am starting to feel a little uneasy it been too quiet and you have not been able to find him yet."

"Hey look at me you have protection at all times, and if he shows his face someone will be there to take care of it.  I will not let anything happen to you or our kids ok I promise"

"Well I am going to take a nap these boys are making me tired I love you."

After I take my nap Ryder drops me off at the coffee shop where my prospect is waiting for me.  I am not sure but something just doesn't feel right with him anymore and I need to bring my concern up with Ryder.  The rest of my shift goes pretty well it is almost closing time, and I am looking around to make sure everything is picked up, and my phone starts to ring.

"Hey Mary, what can I do for you?"

"Can you look in the freezer area and let me know how many scones we have left so if I need to make a run I am able to do in the morning."

"Oh yeah, no problem I will look and give you a call when I head home is that ok."

"Yeah dear that is perfectly fine"

I finish everything that I am needing to do. I start my way to the freezer and leave all of my items on the counter in the back to make a count for mary.  I turn the lights on and walk-in "shit I forgot my jacket" at least I am not in here long.  The door closes behind me which doesn't alarm me since it does it all the time. "Ok, we have three dozen blueberry scones that should last until the shipment comes in.

"Jesus Christ it feels like the temperature has dropped in the freezer"

I go to push the door open and it's not budging at all.  I ram my shoulder in the door and nothing is happening.  I am locked in the freezer and the temp keeps dropping someone did this on purpose.  I am now yelling for someone to help me and I know its a waste of time since I locked everything up.  At this point, the only thing I can do is hope Ryder or Mary realize I have not called and put two and two together.  I am now freezing and my teeth are chattering hoping someone will help me.

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