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•°•☆ 𝙺𝚘𝚌𝚑𝚘 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚘𝚋𝚞 ☆•°•

"Shinobu-san!" Mitsuri called my attention. "Why are you alone?"

I was fixing my bedroom, which will be Mitsuri's bedroom too for the meantime, when she came appearing out of nowhere.

"Maybe because you weren't around?" I placed my hand on my mouth, pretending to think.

"Oh... My bad." She made a peace sign. "By the way, I saw you and Tomioka-san earlier. How did it go talking to him?"

I was fluffing the pillow when I heard his name. My mood instantly dropped.

"By the way, I saw you and Iguro-san earlier. How did it go talking to him?" I countered her with a question.

She got flustered in an instant. "Shinobu-san, I asked first!" She cupped both of her cheeks and sat down with me.


"Tomioka-san!" I called out.

He turned to look at me before fixing his gaze back at the fish pond. I jumped from my spot to his.

I noticed the flinch he did when I stood beside him, under the shade.

"Tomioka-san." I called out again and tilted my head. "Why do you not have anyone with you?"

He kept silent.

"Eh? Tomioka-san?" I waved my hand infront of his face, "Moshi moshi?"

Still, he kept silent. He wasn't even giving attention to me. "It would be nice if we could get along, don't you think?"

I poked him, "Tomioka-san."

"You're so cold, Tomioka-san. I bet no one likes you." I smiled despite the irritation that filled me. No one had rejected my presence before.

That's when he faced me.

"Oh? What is it? Did I hit bull's eye?" I gasped,pretending to be clueless.

"I'm trying to find peace, Kocho." He coldly said before he vanished.

---end of flashback---

"Eh? That happened?" Mitsuri covered her mouth as if it was something to be surprised of.

"What's the big deal?" I raised an eyebrow at the Love Pillar.

"Sugoi, Shinobu-san!" Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she clasp both of her hands together. "Nobody kept up a conversation with Tomioka-san that long!"

"Long? That was long?" I laughed.

What kind of person is the Water Pillar anyway?

"Yup!" She laughed sheepishly. "Anyways, don't you think Tomioka-san's kinda cute?" Her eyes glimmered again.

"Cute?" I cringed. "Hmm... nope." I held out my index finger before smiling.

"Eh? You two actually look good together." She fidgetted with her fingers.

Me and Tomioka-san?

"Mitsuri, I guess it's time for lunch." I said, diverting the topic.

"Yay, lunch!" She chirped and clung onto my arm. "Let's go." She then pulled me. As expected, she was really strong that she managed to bring me in the dining area.

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