Chapter 2

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Ariana's POV

I backed away from Ashton as he kept getting closer, I pressed my back against the wall and closed my eyes tightly and my fists clenched for some reason I thought it would make the pain hurt less.

The pain wasn't a punch of some kind, it was delicate and smooth, he was studying my bruises smeared across both of my cheeks which Luke had given me, he ran his fingers over them gently and actually looked sorry.

All of them except Luke would always do this. Act like they cared and they were sorry and then the next day they would be back to normal, hitting me and calling me names, I wasn't going to fall for any of this, not again.

"Ashton!" The door flew open and I fell to the ground in fear, I recognised the voice as Luke's, my hands were covering my head to try and protect myself, "looks like you finished this pretty well" I could hear the smirk in his tone. They both left after a sharp kick made contact with my stomach and wribs.

I scrambled up from the floor and studied my face in the mirror.

I fell flat onto my bed forcing my head into my pillow as tears fell down my cheeks rapidly, I heard the door open and I was scared to look, I began to shake. "P-Please dont h-hurt me" I stuttered. I felt a large hand on my back, "Please" I whispered, I forced my eyes shut preparing myself for any harm. 

"Im not going to hurt you" he whispered, I didnt know who it was and I didnt want to know. 

I turned over and saw Calum, He was smiling at me with a genuine smile, I didnt smile back because he didnt deserve it, I backed myself up onto my bed leaving a large distance between us, I couldnt go through anymore pain. 

"Ariana, why dont you come downstairs with us?" he asked, I shook my head violently. "No, you will hurt me" I shouted, he shook his head, "we wont" he smiled, I shook my head again and he sighed, "Look im sorry." I gasped. 

"You think im just going to forgive you like that Calum? NO! You guys have no idea what you put me through! You dont have a clue how many times ive lied to stop you from getting into trouble at school, I cant forgive you. Sorry changes nothing because I dont think you actually mean it. I'll believe it when Luke apologises, which he wont. So I dont accept your apology, just leave me alone" I sighed and it felt so good to finally give it back to one of them. 

He smirked at me, "You did it" I raised my eyebrow and looked him in the eyes which were really pretty by the way, just a shame they belong to a disgusting personality. 

"Did what?" I snapped, "You stood up to me. You actually did it" He smiled, he reached out to put his arm around me and I denied the offer, "Calum! why are you talking to..that" Luke spat, I narrowed my eyes at him which gained a weird reaction from him.

"She stood up to me Luke." He replied and smiled back at me, Luke folded his arms and looked like he didnt believe anything his bestfriend was telling him, "calum, can we be alone for a few minutes" he nodded and I shook my head violently, although I had kind of stood up to Calum I still feared my brother more than anything.

He sat beside me and stared at me, "Stop staring at me!" I shouted and he looked shocked, "what.. whats that on your arm?" he asked sounding worried. "Its nothing" I looked down whilst pulling my sleeve over my hand, He took my wrist and pushed the sleeve up my arm, He stared at the scars and bruises that were visible on my arm. 

"Did I make you do this?" He asked and pointed to my scars, I shrugged my shoulders and looked down, he gasped quickly and tears rolled down his cheeks. "Im.. Im so sorry Ariana.. why didnt you hit me back or something?" He struggled, "Because you would hurt me even more, do you not remember knocking me out earlier?" I spat and my eyes widened realising what had just left my mouth. 

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