Chapter 3

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Ariana's POV

"Pretty name" he said softly, I smiled in response, "so tell me, why are you crying, and why are you alone?" He asked, I sighed and thought of a response, "everything just gets too much at times." I lied, he nodded. "Why are you even talking to me? I'm just some loser who hides in a library.." I sighed, "I'm new here, you looked like someone I could be friends with." He said softly, I smiled and pushed the book away from me.

"Well, Ryan. Where's your next class?" I asked, "Mrs Potts." He replied, I gasped, "that's my next class!" I giggled, "can I walk with you?" He asked and I nodded, we grabbed our things and headed downstairs to her classroom, he pulled a desk closer to mine and sat beside me.

"Who's your friend?" Luke snickered, I ignored him and wrote down some notes from the board, Ryan smiled at me every time our hands brushed together by accident, "what's your name?" I heard, I looked beside me and noticed Ryan had turned to Luke and Ashton, there goes my first friend from school.

I stood up to hand in my work and hoped they wouldnt trip me up, I handed my work to Mrs Potts. I sat down anxiously waiting for her to mark it, they must have said something to Ryan because he had moved away and kept looking at me like I was an alien. Ashton was smirking at me along with my brother. 

I was tapping on my desk even more anxious because she had just approached me, luckily she looked pleased, "well done Ariana" she said and I smiled and stared at the grade she had written in red pen in the top corner of my paper, an A. 

Everyone was talking so miss crouched down infront of my desk and looked me in the eye, "I saw you crying and rushing off earlier, is something upsetting you?" I gulped, Yeah there is something wrong with me! my brother and his friends keep bullying me and abusing me. I shook my head "no" I muttered, she nodded with a small smile, I smiled back and her blue eyes lit up like Lukes usually would.

"I havent seen you smile for so long, whatever is getting you down trust me it will be okay, stay strong and keep smiling your beautiful big smile" she smiled again before returning to her desk, I smiled and for once happy tears filled my eyes, She said I have a beautiful smile, a compliment instead of criticism. I wiped my eyes and smiled at her. Mrs Potts was by far my favourite teacher, she would always notice if im sad and she would make me smile instantly. 

The bell rang for lunch so I grabbed my things and rushed to my locker, I put my lunch and my book into my bag and closed my locker and zipped up my bag, I threw it on my shoulder not bothering to look back to see who I hit, I ran upstairs and entered the library. 

I stared at my lunch for a few minutes and tapped on the table with my index finger, I shook my head and put my lunch back into my bag, I had a drink of water and scanned through my book trying to find my place in it. 

I placed my finger on the page where I stopped reading before, I looked to the side of me loosing my page to see Luke and Calum, I breathed sharply and pretended I had not seen them, they sat either side of me and kicked me under the table and called me names, "You know what?!" I said whilst slamming my book shut and chucking it inside my bag, "I dont care what you say to me or about me anymore! this is getting pathetic and I came here to be alone but you still find me, why cant you just leave me alone for once! I have to see you all the damn time and I cant stand you" I shouted and stormed out of the library. 

I put my lunch back into my locker and grabbed the books I needed for last period and threw them into my bag, I closed my locker and Luke walked past and shoved me face first against the metal lockers, I whinced in pain as I picked up my bag from the floor, my tears were flowing down my cheeks repeatedly, there were no teachers surprisingly except a bunch of students trying to stay out of the way.

"whats your fucking problem?" I shouted and gained everyones attention, "why do you fucking hate me? if you were so jealous about my grades being better than yours, you would stop bullying me all the time and you would actually learn something!" I screamed and he pushed me against the lockers and connected his fist with my face a few times leaving harsh bruises and burning sensations. 

I looked up at him with red, puffy eyes and narrowed them at him, I grabbed my bags from the floor again and ran down the hallway away from all of the embarrasment and humiliation I had just witnessed. 

"ariana!" someone was following me, I didnt know who so I kept on running until I couldnt see anymore and everything went blurry, I fell to the ground and buried my face inbetween my knees. The person caught up with me and sat down, I looked up to see we were on the field, I noticed Ryan and I moved away slightly, "You think Im some freak, just leave me alone" I sobbed, his hand rubbed in smooth circles on my back.

"Luke told me you were so desperate for friends and for people to like you, that you would go to extreme lengths just for a friend, and you hurt yourself because nobody likes you" he admitted, I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "Well that isnt true. I hurt myself because him and his friends constantly bully me and they hurt me and.. and-" he cut me off because I was breathing so sharply. "I know, I just saw him doing that, why havent you told somebody?" he began to look worried so I shook my head.

"Ryan, your a nice guy but please dont try to help me, you will end up getting hurt like me just for being around me, I dont want anyone else to suffer because my brother hates me so much. I havent told anyone because they cant do anything about it and they wont stop doing it." I sighed, he nodded his head, "I wont say anything, I guess ill see you around then" he sighed and left me alone in the middle of the field. 

I brought my blades to school with me today, and Im alone so I pulled them out of my bag and started cutting my skin and feeling slightly better with the feeling of blood trickling down my wrists. 

I quickly put my blades away and rolled my sleeves down without cleaning my arms, luckily I am wearing a black shirt, I ran inside just before the bell rang indicating that last period was starting, I walked through the halls with my head down, I have history now with Mr Sampson. I hated him more than life itself, he would single me out and make me answer questions I didnt know and humiliate me, for some reason I feel hes in on the bullying with Luke and the others. 

I took my seat at the front as usual, I looked out of the window and saw students passing by, laughing and having a good time with their friends, I frowned to myself knowing I would never get that satisfaction. 

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