Chapter 6

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Arianas POV

Monday morning.

Ashton had not spoken to me since last week at the dance, he's been avoiding me, I was talking with Luke and he was there and if I asked him something he would shrug or give simple answers.

The bell rang, Mrs Potts class is next! I grabbed my bag and stood up from the wooden bench I was perched on, I walked behind big crowds of students and I sighed to myself, I entered the classroom and noticed all of the seats were taken by the boys.

Back to my old seat, I sighed. I pulled out my chair and sat down, I pulled out my pencil case and tucked my bag under my desk, the books were handed out quickly and mine was last of course, for some reason I always thought they give out the books in popularity order since mine is always last and Emily's is always first followed by her friends.

I began to take notes of what she was writing on the board I kept sighing to myself, I genuinely thought I had friends, maybe Ashton was drunk or something that night and didn't mean to kiss me.

They stuck to their word of not bullying me but I thought they would introduce me to people so I could have friends instead of being alone all of the time, atleast I won't have to worry about getting picked on since the only bully I knew was Luke and his group but mostly him.

"Okay guys! Pick study partners and complete page 25 and 26 in the booklet!" Mrs Potts announced, Who will be my study partner? Nobody.

I starred the pages I needed to do for homework in pencil before putting it into my bag, I packed my things away and waited for the bell, ugh Mr Sampson next. Can this day get any worse?..

The bell rang as I handed my book in, I slung my now heavy backpack onto my shoulder and exited the classroom, I scrambled through the corridors until I reached Mr Sampson's class, I waited outside patiently until he opened the door letting us in.

I swear I heard him groan when I entered the room, I wanted to snap at him there and then but I would get into trouble and I just don't feel like it anymore.

I sat down and took out my pencilcase, I copied down the notes from the board and completed the work, the lesson actually went quite quickly and before I knew it the bell sounded, I sighed in relief, I ran up to the library and began studying throughout our lunch break.

I have maths last with Mr Davies, I hate him as well. I hate pretty much everyone except a few people.

I sighed and headed to maths, there was only a couple of minutes left anyway so he let me sit in the classroom, at the front isolated from everyone else obviously, "Ariana, your maths is very good" he smiled, I smiled weakly and flicked through my book to see I had most of my work correct.

Calum and Michael were in this class with me and were no doubt coming over for band practice later with Luke and Ashton.

The final bell rang and I grabbed my things out of my locker and walked quickly towards the gates, Luke was waiting outside and was smiling at me, I smiled weakly and he seemed to buy it, he was clearly waiting for the boys who weren't far behind.

I picked up the pace and quickly approached my front door, I unlocked it and closed it behind me since Luke was down the road, mum and dad aren't home, no surprise there.

I jogged upstairs and closed my bedroom door, I dropped my bag beside my bed and took my uniform off, I put on some black skinny jeans and a grey nirvana top, I slipped some bracelets onto my wrists and combed my hair.

I picked up my phone and went back downstairs, the door burst open with laughter and chatter as I had entered the kitchen, I heated up some noodles and waited for them to be cooked properly, I put them into the bowl and stabbed a fork into it. I made myself a drink of water and headed back upstairs.

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