Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Aaron pulled his car up to the front of the pack house before grabbing his school bag and climbing out of the car. He walked inside and went straight to his dad office. He opened the door without knocking. His dad was sitting at his desk looking at some paperwork in front of him. His father lifted his head and looked at Aaron.

"How was your first day son?" Hayden, Aaron's father asked.

"Fine" He said dropping his bag on the ground before walking over to the seat opposite his farther desk and plonking himself down "I found my mate" He said. He watched, as his father's face light up with pride.

"You did? What is she like? Have you spoken to her yet? What does she look like?" His father asked

"Wow dad slow down" Aaron said with a laugh holding his hands up hoping to stop his dad's constant flow of questions.

"In answer of your questions, yes I did find her, she seems" He paused trying to think of a word to describe her "Well here's the thing she's really quiet and shy the whole school seems to pick on her and I'm not really sure how to go about things with her. She seems scared of me and the only person she really talks to is Zoe," He explained to his father.

Hayden leaned back in chair and frowned "Do you know why they all pick on her?" He asked his son.

"Not a clue" Aaron said frustrated.

"Well son the only advice I can give you is to take things slow with her until she trust you, and make sure you protect to her from harm"

Aaron scoffed "Yeah because that worked well for you with mum." He said to his father regretting his words as soon as he said them.

Hayden took a deep breath and looked at his son. He looked so defeated sitting there after everything that had happened between his parents he really was against having a mate. He watched his mother for years as she tried to piece herself together after everything happened, it was hard on him seeing his mother like that. Hayden and Lucy both explained everything that had happened to them so he could understand why his mother was the way she was, Aaron wished some days that they hadn't, it made him fear finding his mate and having the same thing happen to him.

"Look Aaron I understand your concerns I really do. But you can't go through life worried about things you cannot change." His father said to him.

Aaron let out a deep breath "You think I don't know that dad" He stood up from his seat and started to pace dragging his hand through his hair. "You think I don't want to be happy about the fact that I found my mate?" he stops walking and looks at his dad "Because I am dad, but I can't help but worry about the what if's as well"

"Just take it one day at a time" His father suggest "Not just for her sake but for your own as well, maybe you can learn to let go of your fears as well as earn her trust."

Aaron slouches where he is standing "yeah maybe" He looks out the window of his father's office. "Don't tell mother yet" he turns and looks as his dad "I don't want anyone knowing until I'm ready for them to know"

Hayden nods his head at his son "If that's what you really want?"

"It is"

"Ok well I won't say anything"

Aaron turns to leave the office when his farther voice stops him "You can always come to me if you need to talk son, you do know that don't you?"

"Yeah dad I know that" He pauses for a moment "Thanks"

His father gives him a small smile "Well go on I'm sure you have plenty of home work to do after your first day"

Aaron laughs "Yeah I think I have more homework in one day from this school then I have ever had in a week of home schooling"

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