Chapter Fifty Two

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Chapter Fifty Two

As soon as Aaron reached the top of the stairs he remembered he was supposed to have introduce Sean to some pack members. He made his way to the lounge room hoping that Sean was still where he had left him so he wouldn't have to go searching for him.

Aaron found Sean standing in a corner of the room by himself “Hey sorry about that, I got a bit side tracked” He explained.

“That’s cool you are the Alpha after all. It’s to be expected.” Sean said.

Aaron looked over and noticed Ben and his mate Anne had now moved over to where Chloe was sitting with the twins. He turned back to Sean “Come on I will introduce you to some people.”

He led Sean over to his friends. “Guys this is Sean” He said pointing to Sean “He’s new to the pack and doesn’t know anyone. Sean this is Ben my third in command” he said pointing to Ben “And his lovely mate Anne, she has just moved here too.” He informed him.

“Hi it’s a pleasure to meet you both.” Sean said He looked over at Chloe “And you are?”

“Oh right sorry” Aaron said. “Sean meet Chloe, Chloe meet Sean” He said, he didn’t know why he didn’t include her in the first place. Shrugging the thought off he continued “And those little guys are AJ and Cole”

“Wow you must have your hands full with two little ones.” Sean said to Chloe.

Chloe smiled at him “They certainly do keep me on my toes.”

Aaron watched as Sean took a seat beside Chloe and started playing with the twins. He had a sudden desire to growl at Sean for being so close to his mate and sons.

“So Aaron, is there anything you need me to do to help out with preparations for the storm?” Chloe asked.

Aaron shook his head “No I think we have every thing under control now, although it might be a good idea to pack a bag of cloths and anything the boys might need in case we have to move to the basement.” He suggested.

“I’m one step ahead of you.” Chloe said with a smile “I have already taken some stuff down to the basement for the boys just in case.”

“Aaron can I speak to you for a moment?” Jane asked from behind him.

He turned to look at her and noticed she didn’t look happy. “Sure” he said. “Just a sec” He said holding one finger up at her.

He looked back at Ben “Ben would you be able to introduce Sean to some pack members for me?” He asked.

“Yeah I can do that” Ben says.

“Thanks, I will owe you one.” Aaron said before walking away with Jane. Jane grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room into the hallway.

“What was that?” She asked him with her hand on her hip.

Aaron looked at her confused “What was what?” He asked.

“That” She said pointing to the room. “You talking to Chloe, you promised you wouldn’t do that for a while.”

Aaron felt his anger rising “Will you give it a rest Jane. I am the Alpha of this pack and it’s my responsibility to look after all pack members. I was just introducing Sean to a few people and Chloe happened to be one of them. I only spoke to her to make sure she had some things already prepared for the twins in case we have to go to the basement.” Aaron let out a deep breath and counted to ten before continuing. “You have got to stop acting like this Jane” He said softly.

“Acting like what Aaron?” She asked in an annoyed tone.

“Like this” he said gesturing to her body. “Like some jealous girlfriend, this is not you so stop acting like this.” With that said, Aaron walked away from her.

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