Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Aaron takes a seat at the kitchen table across from his parents.

“So son, mind explaining to me why you’re not at school?” Hayden asked.

Aaron took a deep breath “I was going to class when I walked past the girls toilets, I heard one of the nasty leeches that annoy me talking, so I walked into the bathroom and found them standing over my mate who was curled up on the ground” He looked up at his parents “Are you with me so far?”

Lucy who had her hand covering her mouth nodded her head.

“So I picked her up and left Zoe to deal with the girls. I was planning to take her to the school nurse but she sort of freaked out saying she didn’t want to go. My wolf and I didn’t want to be away from her so I carried her out of the school to my car, I planned on just taking her to the nearest dinner, but she freaked out about that too” Aaron shrugged. “So I brought her here.”

“I see” Hayden said sitting back in his seat.

“Did they cause the bruise on her face?” Lucy asked

“No” Aaron said shaking his head. “Well I don’t know. I noticed it this morning and when I asked her she said she fell, so I don’t know” He shrugged.

“Do you know why the girls at school were hurting her?” Hayden asked

Aaron laughed at the question even though it wasn’t a laughing matter “Dad the entire school is out to get her. I have no clue why either”

“Have you asked her why?” Lucy asked.

“No, She” He paused for a moment “she has only just started talking to me. Usually she just ignores me or runs away”

“Ok well we need to get to the bottom of this before she gets seriously hurt,” Lucy said standing from her chair. “Nana has finished examining her and is bringing her back to the kitchen so we will talk more after she has gone home” Lucy walked over to the stove and started to dish up lunch.

Chloe and Nana walked into the room “There you go dear, take a seat where ever you like and Lucy will dish you up some lunch” Mrs B said to Chloe.

Aaron looked at his Nana “Is she ok?” He asked using the mind link.

“She’s fine dear” She answered but Aaron, noticed a strange look in his nanna’s eyes.

“What aren’t you telling me?” He asked.

Nana just shook her head and walked out the room. Aaron look at Chloe who took a seat beside him “How did everything go?” He asked her “Did my Nana manage to help?”

She gave Aaron a small smile “Yeah I’m ok now.”

“Good” Aaron said returning a smile of his own.

Lucy placed a bowl of stew in front of Aaron then another in front of Chloe. “Eat up” She ordered them both.

They both sat there quietly eating their stew until it was all gone, Aaron stood from his chair “Thanks mum that was great” He said as he reached for both his and Chloe’s empty bowls.

“Thank you Lucy it was delicious,” Chloe said softly.

Lucy beamed at both of them “Thank you kids, I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

Aaron sat the bowls in the sink and walked over to Chloe “I might take Chloe for a walk around the place before I have to take her home” Aaron said.

Chloe stood from her seat and followed Aaron out of the kitchen “Where are we going?” She asked nervously.

Aaron looked at her “I thought I would show you my room”

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