Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Aaron walked away from Scarlett's house stunned by what he just heard, he couldn’t believe, Chloe a killer, it just couldn’t be true. He waited for Scarlett to open the door and yell out to him“Just kidding” but she never did.

Deciding to talk to his friends about this he walked to his car and drove home.

“What!” Zoe shouted out.

Aaron had just finished explaining everything to his friends, about how Chloe use to be popular, how she used to be friends with Scarlett, how she has a twin brother and the last part how Scarlett said she was hatted because she apparently killed people.

“I know I was shocked when Scarlett said it too,”

“I just can’t see how that’s possible” Zoe said, “I know we don’t know her very well but I can’t see her hurting anybody”

"Not deliberately anyway" Ella said

“Yeah and if she did kill someone why isn’t she in jail?” Ryder asked.

“I don’t know man; I’m just repeating what I heard.” Aaron said.

They were sitting around in his room, homework opened up in front of them but no one was doing any.

“Something’s not right, we need to find out more,” Ella said.

“Well not shit Sherlock,” Ben said sarcastically. He winched in pain when Ella punched him on the arm.

“Hey, no need to be mean” Ella cried out.

“Yeah but how?” Aaron asked interrupting Ella and ben’s argument.

“Maybe I could talk to Chloe.” Zoe suggested

“Mm maybe” Aaron said, he crawled off his bed and walked over to his desk, picking up his keys he headed for the door.

“Hey where are you going?” Ryder asked

“I’m going to go to the woods behind Chloe’s house, maybe I can learn more from watching her”

“Do you want us to come with?” Zoe asked

“Nah, I want to go on my own,” Aaron told them as he walked out of his room, he made his way down the hall.


He stopped and turned around “What Zoe?”

“Just be careful ok”

Aaron snorted, “I’m a werewolf Zoe, there's not much that can hurt me”

“Yeah I know, there’s just so much we don’t know and I’m worried you’re getting yourself in over your head”

Aaron shook his head “She’s my mate Zoe, I have no choice” He turned away from Zoe and started walking off.

“There’s always a choice Aaron,” She said to his back as he walked away.

“Yeah” He said as he reached the stairs “And mine is to protect her”

He raced out the front door to his car; driving into town he noticed lightning flashing in the sky followed by the sounds of thunder.

“Great just what I need” He grumbled to him self

By the time, he reached the dead end road near the woods it was already raining. He stripped his shirt and shoes off in the car not wanting to get them wet; he got out in just his shorts and started to make his way into the woods. He pulled off his shorts and changed into his wolf. He picked his shorts up off the ground by his teeth, not wanting to lose them if the rain gets to heavy and washes them away. Carrying his shorts, he starts running in the direction to Chloe’s house.

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