Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Aaron searched the entire school but Chloe was nowhere to be found, he was really starting to worry about her. She was in poor shape already and if one of her classmates found her alone somewhere, he was certain she would end up in even worse shape.

“Guy’s I’m going to go check and see if she went home” Aaron told his friends through the mind link. He still had one more class before school let out but he couldn’t wait any longer he had to find her.

He walked out the front of the school and climbed into his car, as he drove towards his mate’s house he checked all the side streets and footpaths to make sure she wasn’t there.

Pulling up at the front of her house he sat in his car for a moment having second thoughts about going to there, she had practically begged him not too and he didn’t want to go against her but he was just so worried about where she could be he had to know.

He climbed out his car and walked up the pathway to her front door he climbed the couple of rotten steps and was now standing at her front door, lifting his hand to the door he knocked a couple of times, when he got no answer he knocked again.

The door flew open and his mate was standing there, when she saw who it was at the door her eye widened in fear.

“What are you doing here?” She whispered, “You have to go now” She said pushing him away from the door, she started to close it but Aaron held his hand out and stopped her from closing it.

“What am i doing here?" He said keeping his voice low. "I was worried when I couldn’t find you at school, you just ran off, and no one could fine you anywhere.”

Chloe looked behind her then back at Aaron.

“You cant be here, please I will talk to you tomorrow about it, Please leave” She begged.

“Ok, I’m going” He said seeing how scared she was he stepped away from the door and walked away from her house. making his mind up about what to do next, he walked back to his car and quickly drove to his spot near the woods, as soon as he had parked his car he got out and walked through the woods until he reached the back of his mate’s house.

As soon as he got there he could hear shouting coming from inside.

“Stupid bitch!” He heard a man scream.

“I’m sorry” He heard his mate say

“You’re sorry? YOU’RE SORRY! Well sorry isn’t going to bring them back!” The man screamed.

Aaron heard something being smashed he quickly walked out of the woods towards the back of her house, not worried if any one saw him, he was too concerned about his mate.

The closer he got to the house the more he could hear, He could hear the sound of his mate sobbing and what he thought was the sound of glass smashing.

His mate screamed out in pain. Aaron made the decision then an there to change into his wolf so he could protect his mate, he changed where he was standing, not caring if anyone had seen and ran for her house he jumped through the nearest window causing it to smash into a million pieces and glass to shower down on him.

He landed on the kitchen floor and shook the glass from his body after he was done he took in the sight before him, his mate was curled up in the corner of the room, blood was running down her face and covered her cloths.

The man from the other night was standing near the door way looking at Aaron with shock and fear on his face, Aaron could smell that the man had been drinking and by the looks of the smashed bottle laying all over the floor he had been drinking a lot.

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