Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

The next morning Aaron bounced out of bed excited about seeing his mate again, he had a quick shower before getting dressed he raced downstairs for breakfast.

“Wow man where’s the fire “Ryder asked Aaron when he ran into the kitchen;

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” Aaron replied, “I just don’t want to be late for school” Aaron’s mum walked into the kitchen and started fixing the boys some breakfast.

“Morning Mrs Benson” Ryder said

“Lucy scoffed at him “How many times do I have to tell you to call me Lucy? Mrs Benson is Hayden’s mother name”

“Sorry” Ryder said.

“Who wants pancakes?” Lucy asked.

“Yeah sure, thanks mom” Aaron answered

“So Aaron did you see all those hot chicks at our school yesterday?” Ben asked, “Man this school thing is going to be so much fun”

Aaron rolled his eyes “Yeah I had two permanently attached to me like a leech.” He shivered in disgust.

“Aw come on man they couldn’t have been too bad?” Ben said.

“Trust me they were worse”

Lucy walked up beside Aaron carrying a plate“There you go boys eat up while there are hot,” she said as she placed a plate stacked with pancakes on the table. The boys quickly ate then stood and headed for Hayden’s car.

“Hey where are the girls?” Aaron asked

“They’ve already left; Zoe said something about wanting to get there early to talk to some girl.”

Aaron shrugged his shoulders and got into his car. Once every one was in he took off in the direction of school.

He pulled up into the parking lot and wasted no time getting out of his car and heading inside the school. He scanned the hallways looking for any sign of Chloe.

“Hey Aaron” Zoe said running up to him and his friends. “She’s not here yet” She whispered soft enough that only he could here.

“Thanks Zoe” He said as he started walking towards his locker. He looked at her and frowned “How come you came early this morning?”

She shrugged “I told Chloe I would, she was going to meet me here, but never showed.”

Aaron started to worry “Do you think she’s ok?” He asked

“I’m sure she’s fine, she probably just slept in” Zoe said with a shrug.

Aaron opened his locker and took out the books he would need before closing it.

“Oh there she is” Zoe said cheerfully she was about to run off to her when Aaron grabbed her arm. He watched his mate walk along the halls with her head down she had a slight limp in her step.

Aaron frowned “Why is she limping? She wasn’t limping yesterday”

Zoe watched Chloe for a moment “I don’t know.” She grabbed Aaron’s hand that was still holding her arm “I will go see if I can find out.”

“No” Aaron growled out “I’m coming too” His wolf was going crazy and he needed to be near her.

“Fine come on then, “Zoe said as she started to walk off again. Aaron followed close behind her his eyes never leaving his mate who had reached her locker and was pulling out a few books.

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