Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

The bell rang signalling the end of the last class. Aaron shot up from his seat and raced out into the hall, he needed to find Ava before she left. He raced down in the direction he was told by some kid where her locker was, as he got close, he noticed she was standing there by herself retrieving some books from her locker.

“Hey Ava!” Aaron called out.

Ava closed her locker and looked at Aaron “Hey Aaron, what are you stalking me now?”

“Nah” He said with a laugh “I actually wanted to know if you could tell me Scarlett address is?”

Ava frowned “Why?”

“Er” Aaron tried to think of an excuse “I wanted to go and apologise to her about what happened yesterday”

“Oh, ok” She reached into her bag and pulled out a piece of paper and pen. She scribbled down Scarlett’s address and passed him the piece of paper.

“Thanks Ava” He said before taking off down the hall again this time in search of his mate. He reached outside and saw his friends walking towards their car “Hey guys have any of you seen Chloe?” He asked using the mind link so he wouldn’t have to shout across the crowd of people.

“Yeah man she’s already left” Ben said answering him.

“Ok thanks man”

Aaron raced to his car, jumping in he started it and taking off in the direction of his mate’s house he hadn’t gotten too far away from the school when he spotted her walking on the foot path. He beeped his car horn and wound down the passenger door window.

“Hey Chloe jump in I will give you a ride home”

“No thanks” Chloe said as she continues to walk.

Aaron drove slowly beside her “Come on jump in otherwise I’m going to have to park my car and walk you home”

Chloe stopped and made a frustrated noise “Fine but your dropping me off in the same spot as yesterday”

Aaron smiled at her as she climbed into his car “Sure thing babe” He said.

Chloe sat in silence the entire drive despite Aaron's best efforts to start up a conversation, he pulled up at the same spot as yesterday.

“See you tomorrow?” Aaron asked

Chloe stopped as she was getting out “Yeah I guess we do go to the same school so we’re bound to see each other” She said to him.

Aaron smiled at her “I mean I will be here waiting for you in the morning to drive you to school,” He tells her.

She groans, “Please don’t”

Aaron looked at her still smiling “Why not?”

“Because I can’t be friends with you,” She noticed the smile drop from Aaron’s face “Look I’m sorry but I just can’t” She quickly got out of his car and raced down the road.

He sat there stunned; it felt as if his heart broke when she told him she couldn’t be friend with him. Was his mate rejecting him? He thought. No, I’m just going to have to work harder to make her like me. He decided. Putting his car into gear, he took off into the direction of Scarlett’s house.

Aaron was not surprised to see that Scarlett lived on the posh side of town, he looked out his car window at all the posh houses that lined the street, he finally reached the house number Ava had given him so he parked his car at the front of the house. Taking a deep breath, he got out of his car and made his way to her front door. He rang the bell and waited for the door to be answered.

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