Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Aaron ran out of the medical room in search of Chloe cloths, in truth he was grateful for the excuse, as soon as Chloe stood up and he had seen her naked body his wolf tried to take over so he could mark her and mate with her. He looked away as quickly as he could but he had looked long enough to notice the scars covering her entire body. Even though she was underweight and her body was covered in bruises and scares, he still felt a strong sense of desire for his mate. She was beautiful no matter what her body looked like.

His anger started to rise again, while Chloe was unconscious he had to take his wolf out for a run, the stress, anger was getting too much, and he was slowly losing control of his wolf. After running for a few hours, he returned to the medical room, sat by his mate, and watched her sleep.

“Aaron what are you doing?” Lucy asked her son when he walked past her not even realising she was standing there.

Aaron stopped walking and looked at his mother “Sorry, I was er thinking” He said frowning “I need to track down Chloe’s clothes, she’s awake and needs them” Aaron felt his cheeks start to turn pink.

Lucy raised and eyebrow at her blushing son and laughed.

Aaron scoffed at her "Mum it's not funny. She didn't realise she was naked and stood up, my poor wolf almost lost it then and their."

"I'm sorry Aaron" She said still laughing. "It's just your face is priceless."

Aaron looked down at the ground still blushing "Mum cloths?" He asked wanting to change the subject.

“ Ok, ok." She said waving a hand "Her cloths were washed and returned to the medical room.” Lucy informed him “I think they are on one of the cabinets”

Aaron wanted to face palm himself “Why didn’t I think to look there first” He said shaking his head. Because you were too distracted by you naked mate. A voice in the back of his head said.

"I have no idea son" Lucy said with a smile.

Aaron turned around and walked back to the medical room, when he reached the door he knocked softly so she would know he was about to enter.

He slowly opened the door and was grateful to see she was lying back down in her bed with the sheet covering her body. “I er ran into my mother and she said your clothes are in here.” He informed her. He walked around the room looking on top of every cabinet until he came to the one with her clothing on it, picking them up he carried them over to her,sitting them on her bed.

“I er will just step outside while you get dressed” He told her “Unless you need help?”

Chloe’s face turned bright red “No I think you have seen enough of my body thanks”

Aaron's eyes widened realising what he had said “No i didn't mean it like that! I meant er unless you wanted me to go and find someone to help you” He blew out a breath feeling like a fool.

Chloe couldn't help but laugh at Aaron's reaction. He was clearly just as embarrassed as she was.

Aaron just shook his head when he heard her laughing “Never mind" He mumbled "I will just wait outside” He lowered his head and walked out of the room feeling like a major screw up.

He could hear her moving the sheet and putting her cloths on after a few minutes he couldn't hear any movement.“Ok you can come in now,” His mate’s voice said through the door.

Aaron opened the door and walked back into the room his mate was sitting on her bed looking at the hoody she was holding in her hand. Aaron sat down beside her, still looking he reached up and touch her hair, gently running it through his fingers.

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