Chapter Thirty Six

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Chapter Thirty Six

Aaron woke up the next morning to his mate sleeping in his arms. He couldn’t help the smile that appeared on his face as he looked at Chloe as she laid there still naked. She had not moved once since she had fallen to sleep after he marked her and made love to her. It was both there first time and it was perfect.

He laid there staring at her for a few more minutes when he decided he wanted to treat her to a romantic breakfast in bed. He placed a soft kiss on the top of her head and gently slipped her out of his arms and climbed out his bed, picking his shorts off the ground he walked out of bedroom and went downstairs to the kitchen where his mother was already cooking breakfast for everyone.

“Good morning mum.” Aaron said in a cheerful tone his wide smile still on his face.

Lucy turned and looked at him and frowned. “Why are you so cheery this morning?”

Aaron shrugged still smiling “No reason just had the best night’s sleep.”

Lucy stared at her son still frowning. He watched as she sniffed the air before her eyes grew huge. “You didn’t?” She asked shocked.

Aaron smiled wider and nodded his head.

Lucy screamed and jumped up and down in excitement before grabbing her son into a hug. “Finally” she said, She looked over Aaron’s shoulder. “Well where is the lucky girl?” She asked looking back at her son.

Aaron pulled back “She’s still sleeping but I was hoping to take up some breakfast before she wakes.”

“You didn’t keep the poor girl up all night did you?” His mother asked giving him a cheeky wink.

“Mum” Aaron groaned. “I really don’t want to discuss about my sex life with you.”

Lucy nodded her herd. “Say no more” She said before she reached in to a cupboard and pulling out a tray and sitting a plate of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and French toast.

Aaron walked over to one of the fridges and pulled out the jug of orange juice and pouring some into a glass before sitting it on the tray. He walked over to the vase sitting on the kitchen table, plucked one of the red roses out, and laying it down on the tray.

“Ok I think that covers about everything.” Lucy said smiling at her son. “I’m so happy for you Aaron.” She said giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Now hurry up and go feed your mate.” She says shooing him out.

Aaron picks the tray up and carries it out of the kitchen. He tried to walk with care making sure he didn’t spill any juice onto the tray. He had just reached the steps when a voice behind him stopped him in his tracks.

“Trying to suck up are we? I don’t think that will be enough to get her to forgive you though.”

Aaron turned around and looked at Jace. “I’m not doing this to get her to forgive me.” He told Jace. “I’m taking this to my bedroom to give to my mate who is currently sleeping in my bed.” Aaron said with a smile before turning around and making his way up the stairs.

“Don’t tell me you found some one else to mate with already?” Jace asked.

“Nope” he says shaking his head. “I only have one mate and I will only ever want her.” He said.

He had just reached the top of the stairs when Jace ran up them and faced him, blocking him from walking any further.

“What do you mean you’re taking breakfast to your mate that’s in your bed? I thought Chloe was your mate? He asked.

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