Chapter Fifty Six

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Chapter Fifty Six

The next morning Aaron woke up in the basement, It had been a long night the storm didn’t pass until the early hours of the morning and he was sure the that he wouldn’t be happy with the destruction it had caused.

He sat up on his temporary bed that had been placed beside Chloe and his boys. He did a quick survey of the room and found everyone to be still sleeping. Well almost every one.

Jace sat across the room glaring at Aaron. Not liking being stared down Aaron let out a small growl. Jace quickly averted his eyes to the ground for a moment before he returned his eyes to Aaron.

Sighing Aaron stood up and started to make his way across the room to Jace, He had to weave his way through the mass of bodies still sleeping on the ground.

“Outside now” He growled once he finally made his way to Jace.

Jace stood from up from the ground and followed Aaron up the Basement stairs, once they reached the top Aaron closed the basement door and guested for Jace to follow him.

Aaron led Jace to his office and was relieved to see that the storm had not caused his office any damage. Once they were both inside the office, he closed the door and turned to face Jace.

Aaron wasted no time and started talking. “I’m not sure how you do things at your pack Jace, but here staring down an Alpha is a seen as a challenge.”

Jace just shrugged at him.

Aaron took a step towards him “Is that what you want Jace? To challenge me.” He growled.

“The only thing I want Aaron, is the only thing I have ever wanted and that is Chloe.” Jace told him.

Both Aaron and his wolf did not like hearing that. “Well you can’t have her.” He growled.

Jace laughed. “Who are you to say I can’t?” He asked Aaron. “You have a girlfriend and Chloe is free to be with whoever she wants. Having two kids with her doesn’t mean she is yours.”

Aaron laughed. “You obviously haven’t heard.” Aaron said. He watched as Jace’s back stiffened, Aaron knew he had his full attention now.

“Heard what?” Jace asked.

“That Jane and I are no longer together.” Aaron explained.

Jace snorted, Aaron could see he looked relieved that, that was what Aaron had said. “What you’re abandoning another one of your women who is pregnant with your child?” Jace asked.

Aaron took another step towards Jace “First of all Jace” Aaron spat out “I didn’t leave Chloe, she left me, and I didn’t even know about her having my kids until yesterday.” He growled. “Second of all and not that it is any of your business but Jane is not carrying my child, which is why we broke up.”

Jace took a step back from Aaron. “So? Chloe won’t take you back, I have spent the last two years filling her head with so much crap about you, there is no way she would every think of giving you another chance.”

Aaron’s anger multiplied at Jace’s words. “What do you mean you have been filling her head with so much crap?” Aaron growled.

Jace laughed, and shook his head ashe turned and walked over to the window.“Let’s see the night she left she had noticed the bruise you gave me, I told her you have been threatening me since the first day I was here.” Jace laughed, “You should have seen her, she was so angry at you that she was ready to march up to your room and beat the crap out of you for me.” Jace shook his head again. “Of course I couldn’t let her do that, it would have ruined my plans, if she had gone up there then she wouldn’t have been able to leave that night and I wanted her gone before you got a chance to talk to her and convince her to forgive you.”

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