Chapter Forty Five

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Chapter Forty Five

Aaron had entered the empty kitchen and made his way to the refrigerator to pour himself a drink of juice.

“Alpha a pack of rouges has entered our territory.” A voice said through the pack link.

Aaron shoved the jug of juice back into the fridge and started running for the front door. “Where?” He asked through the pack link.

“South side border.”

“I’m on my way.” Aaron said as he reached the front door and changed into his large black wolf. He took off running in the direction of the south border, crashing through bushes and narrowly missing trees. As he got closer to where the rouges were he could hear the fight that had already started. He picked up his pace and pounced on the first rouge as soon as he reached them.

Aaron clamped his jaws down on the rouges throat before shaking his head vigorously and snapping the rouges neck killing it instantly. He didn’t waste any time dropping the dead wolfs corpse to the ground and attacking the next rouge closest to him.

As soon as they would kill off the rouges, another wave of them would appear and attack.

“Where are they all coming from?” Aaron asked one of his pack members who was fighting beside him.

“I don’t know Alpha, but there seems to be an endless supply of them.”

A rouge pounced on the back of the guy Aaron had been talking too biting down on his flesh, Aaron wasted no time pouncing in the rouge and knocking him if his pack members back. He bit down on his throat and ripped a huge chunk of flesh away before going back for a second bite and snapping his neck.

In what seemed like hours but was properly only minutes they had finally killed off the last of the rouges.

Aaron and his pack stood there waiting to see if any more would show up. When they didn’t they started to relaxed their stance.

Aaron turned to the brown wolf who had spoken do earlier, “What’s your name?”

“Jim Alpha”

“Well Jim I would like you to round up a few man and take care of the bodies, when your done with that I would like you to come back to the pack house and give me a report on what happened here.

Jim lowered his head. “Yes Alpha.”

“Thank you” Aaron said before turning around and heading back to the pack house.

Aaron paced in his office deep in thought when the phone suddenly started ringing.

“Hello” Aaron said into the phone forgetting about addressing the person with his Alpha title and pack name.

“Aaron it’s Ben” The voice on the other end of the line said.

“Ben what’s wrong? Why are you calling has something happened?” Aaron asked.

“Every things fine, I have actually called to ask permission for my mate’s father to join our pack, his mate died a few years ago and all he has left here at this pack is his daughter. My mate doesn’t want to leave without him.” Ben explains over the phone.

“That’s fine, of course he can.”

Ben sighed into the phone “That’s great” Aaron heard him swallow through the phone. “Listen there’s something else but I think it’s best not to talk about it over the phone so we are going to leave here now and we should be there early tomorrow morning.”

“Ok” Aaron says frowning at Ben's cryptic message “If you’re sure it can wait til then.” He said

“Yeah I’m sure”

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