Chapter Forty One

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Chapter Forty One


It had been over two year since Chloe left, and a lot has happened in that time. Hayden had handed over the Alpha role to Aaron making him now the new Alpha of the Crystal Lake pack.

About six months after Chloe had left new wolves moved to the pack house and Aaron met the lovey Jane. He had already convinced himself that Chloe wasn’t coming back and so he and Jane started to date. She hadn’t found her mate yet and she had started to think she never would so she was happy when Aaron asked her out. At first, it was more just a physical connection but eventually Jane started to grow on him, and they became more serious. He was actually happy which surprised him because after Chloe had disappeared he felt as if his world had ended and he never thought he would feel happy again.

He think's about that day a lot, how he would give anything to be able to go back in time and stop himself from killing his mate's father. But he can't so he trying his best to live a happy life without his mate by his side.

“Babe, you mother is looking for you.” Jane said as she walked into their bedroom that they shared. She walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek.

Aaron was still in bed, he knew he should have gotten up a while ago but he felt content to stay there for a while longer. He snaked his arms around Jane’s waist and pulled her on top of him and nuzzled her neck causing her to giggle.

“Come back to bed for a while.” He told her.

Aaron nipped her ear playfully “I would love too but I have made plan with the girls to go into to town to do some shopping.” She said as she started to sit up and pull away from him.

Aaron wasn't having any of it, he pulled her back towards him and flipped her over so she was laying on the bed with him on top of her. He growled playfully “You’re not going anywhere”

Jane giggled and squirmed when Aaron started trailing kisses down her neck. “Babe I can’t the girls are waiting.”

Aaron groaned but pulled away. “Fine” He said with a sigh. He let go of her and allowed her to sit up and climb off the bed. “I promise I will buy something you would enjoy taking off me tonight.” She said giving him a wink.

Aaron groaned again “Do you have to tease me?” He asked.

Jane just giggled at him and walked into the bathroom. Aaron climbed out of bed still naked from last night’s love making with Jane and made his way towards his walk in robe to find something to wear. It had been ages since they had last made love, Jane's uncle in another pack had been seriously ill, he was an older werewolf and his time was almost up, her mother had asked Jane if she could come back and help her take care of him. She had only arrived back yesterday, she had been gone a lot longer than they expected.

After slipping on some shorts and a shirt, he went into their bathroom where Jane was brushing her shoulder length blond hair, he wrapped his arms around her waist, and pulled her towards his chest.

“Sweetie I just finished fixing my hair.” Jane groaned when Aaron buried his face into her neck and started to nibble on her ear. Jane tried to pull away from him.

Aaron huffed “Fine, sometime I think your hair is more important than me.” He sulked.

Jane sat the brush down next to the sink, turned, and wrapped her arms around Aaron’s neck “You know that’s not true.” She said before kissing him on the lips.

It didn’t take long for Aaron to try, deepened the kiss, and turn it into something more. Jane let out a groan and Aaron could smell her arousal. Pulling back he looked into her brown eyes, they weren’t as nice as his mates green ones but they were still pretty.

“Are you sure you don’t want to go back to bed with me?” He asked her in a husky voice before bringing his lips back to hers then trailing small kisses along her face too her jaw and down her neck. He started to nibble the spot on her neck where his mark should have been. But because he had already marked his mate he wasn’t able to mark Jane. Besides, she may still find her mate some day and Aaron didn’t want to ruin things for them by marking her first.

Jane put her hands on Aaron's chest and pushed him away. “I really have to get going” she told him breathlessly.

Aaron pulled her back to him and started nibbling below her ear before whispering, “Are you sure?”

Jane groaned “Yes” She said but she didn’t sound so sure any more.

Aaron pulled away and released his arms from around her waist. “Ok then, you better get going before I force you to stay her with me.” He tells her.

She smiles at him and pecks him on the cheek. “We won’t be long, maybe we can finish what we have started when I get back.” She tells him.

“I don’t know I may be too busy then.”

Jane pouts her lips at him “Are you sure?”

Aaron laughs. “Go on get out of here.”

Jane smiles and waves at him “Ok I will see you later, don’t forget your mother is looking for you.”

“Yeah I won’t.” Aaron says as he grabs his toothbrush and starts brushing his teeth.

Once his finished using the bathroom he walks to his bedroom door and makes his way down stairs to the kitchen where he knew his mother would be making breakfast for the pack. It should have been Aaron’s mate in the kitchen taken care of the pack but because she had left, leaving Aaron mate less his mother had volunteered to keep doing it.

He walked into the kitchen up to his mother who was standing in front of the stove cooking. He kissed her on the side of the head. “Morning mum” he said grabbing a piece of bacon that was sitting on a plate, on the bench and popping it into his mouth.

“Hey don’t be eating that.” Lucy said slapping her son on the arm “You have to wait just like everybody else.” She told him.

“Awe mum” Aaron wined like a child.

“Don’t awe mum me young man.” Lucy replied.

Aaron let out a huff. “Fine, Jane said you wanted to see me.”

“Yes I did, but that’s not important right now, Ben was looking for you he said he would be waiting in your office.”

Aaron frowned “What did he want?” He asked.

“I don’t know." She said with a shrug. "Go and find out for yourself.” Lucy told him.

Aaron sighed. “Fine, but you better save me some bacon.” He said walking out of the room towards his office, which his father had given to him as soon as he had taken over the Alpha role.

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