"But why? Why didn't you tell her?" Rae asked Elissa.
"Because if I told her that my dad was the one who shot me, they would put him in jail, again," Elissa sighed.
"But how would that be bad?" Rae said, confused.
"It would be bad because when he got out of jail, then he would have beaten me worse than he did the last time. He would have also been sober when he beat me, so it would have hurt even worse..." Elissa explained.
"How would it have hurt more?"
"The last time he beat me when he was sober, it hurt three times more than any other time he had beaten me. Don't ask me how that was, all I know was that it did hurt worse. That's why I never want him to be sober ever again while I'm around him," Elissa explained.
"Oh, I don't get it, but I'll just take your word for it," Rae said.
"Okay, you two! It's dinner time again!" Mrs. Irving said, coming in his room. "You two do spend an awfully long time in here. It sometimes makes me wonder what you two are doing in here..." she sighed.
"Mom...!" Rae sighed.
"I'm sorry I said anything, Rae," his mom said, as she started heading out of his room.
Elissa got up, and started following her, followed by Rae.
They all sat down and started eating the food.
"This is really good, Mrs. Irving!" Elissa said, sticking a bite of quesadilla in her mouth.
"Why thank you, dear!" Rae's mom smiled.
"What is it?" Elissa asked, not ever having one before.
"It's a sour cream and chicken quesadilla. It's really easy to make! Next time I can show you how!" Rae's mom laughed.
Elissa and Rae looked at each other, confused. "Do you think she knows you're going to be staying over here for a long time?" Rae whispered to Elissa.
"I don't know..." Elissa whispered back.
Rae's mom looked at the two for a bit, and then went back to eating.
After they were through, Elissa took her plate into the kitchen and started cleaning it. "Elissa, dear, you don't have to do the dishes! You are a guest!" Rae's mom said, coming into the kitchen after her.
"Oh, sorry, I guess its just an old habit of mine!" Elissa smiled.
"Okay, well, why don't you two go run along now?" she smiled, and shooed them off, back up to Rae's room.
Once they got there, Elissa laid down on his bed. Rae nudged her over, and jokingly said, "Hey! Quit hogging the whole bed!"
Elissa stretched her arms and legs out, to where she really was hogging the whole bed. She started laughing, and moved over for him to sit on the bed.
Rae sat down, laughing, and he poked Elissa telling her, "Hey, next time don't try to take up the whole bed!"
Elissa started laughing uncontrollably, and said in between giggles, "Hey! Don't tickle me anymore, and I won't!"
"Oh, that tickles, does it?" Rae said, with a devilish look on his face.
"No! Ah!" Elissa screamed as she started getting tickled by Rae, and she started laughing, and rolling around on the bed, trying to get him to stop.
After a few minutes of Rae tickling Elissa, and Elissa rolling around, and then falling onto the floor, Rae finally stopped, and laid down on the floor next to Elissa, laughing. "Well, you can't tell me that wasn't fun!" Rae laughed.
"You're right! It's actually the most fun I've had my entire life!" Elissa giggled.
"You don't know all of the things you've been missing out on!" Rae exclaimed.
"Well, since I'm going to be living over here, then maybe you can show me all of the things I've been missing out on?" Elissa asked.
"Sure, I can do that!" Rae smiled.
"Thanks Rae, for everything!" Elissa said, as she tackled, then hugged him.
Rae laughed, and said, "You've all ready thanked me before. You don't need to keep thanking me!" Rae smiled big from the hug.
Elissa smiled, and replied, "I know, but I just feel like I'm a burden to you sometimes."
"You could never be a burden to us," Rae smiled back, and hugged her, since she was still right next to him from tackling him.
Elissa smiled, and blushed a little.
"Oh, by the way, you looked really nice today," Rae said, pulling back from the hug.
"Thanks!" Elissa said, glad he noticed.
Elissa got up off of Rae, and sat down on the bed.
Rae got up, and did the same, asking her, "What happened after you got out of the hospital?"