Chapter 1: Attempted Murder

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(A couple of days passed from the interaction between Deku and Lex)

*Lex walking down the city enjoying the day suddenly sees a figure running away from what seems to be a cloud of smoke from a recent explosion*


Lex: *Walking down a street and hears Deku's cry for help* What in the Shell? *Turns around and looks for Deku, spots him from afar* Huh!!?? Deku, what's wrong!?! Is it a villain chasing you?!

Deku: *running towards Lex* NO EVEN WORSE!!!!............. IT'S KACCHAN!! *looks back scared to see Bakugo chasing him angrily*

Lex: *Looks behind Deku*


Lex: Oh By The AllSpark, What did you do to make him this mad?

Deku: *stops in front of Lex panting and trying to catch his breath* W-well I, Kaminari stopped me a moment ago and showed me a photo of what Kacchan meant.....a-and I didn't expect it to be the result I meant for it to be.....s-so I went to look for Kac-Bakugo and told him what it meant and well...... h-he got mad and here w-we are. I d-didn't know the nickname I gave him was s-something awful!

Lex: *looks at the tired Deku and then at the Fuming Porcupine* What does his nickname mean anyway that can be so bad?

Bakugo: YOU BETTER NOT SAY A WORD DEKU!!!! *arrives at the two*

Lex: SHUT IT PORCUPINE!!! You are Not going to harm the Cinnamon Roll!!!


Lex: *😒* You heard me!!! *looks back at Deku* Now you can tell me.

Deku: E-erm *starts shaking scared* w-well.....I don't want to say it but I can s-show it to you. *gets the phone out and shows it to Lex*

Lex: *grabs the phone and looks at definition* pfff....hahahahahah OMG!!!! Hahaha I-I-I pfff *falls to the floor laughing clutching her stomach*

hahahahahah OMG!!!! Hahaha I-I-I pfff *falls to the floor laughing clutching her stomach*

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(Basically what she read)

Bakugo: *looks at her like* WHAT THE FUCK YOU LAUGHING AT?!!

Deku: L-Lex you should probably s-stop laughing *gets even more scared and worried* It's not a good sign if Ka- Bakugo gets like this!

Lex: *calms down a bit, wipes a tear from her eyes and get up catching her breath from the good laugh she had* pfff...*sighs* awww come on Deku *has a pouty face, looks at Bakugo*
You thought this was a little funny too.


Lex: pfftt *starts backing up* Jeez.....Calm your tits. This was funny and I'm sure Deku didn't mean anything by it. He didn't even know that his nickname for you even meant that *goes towards Deku and stands protectively in front of him, just in case*

Deku: T-that's true K-Ka- I MEAN BAKUGO I d-didn't know till now!

Bakugo: *looks at Deku than back up to Rainbow head* tch....

Lex: *Sense of sarcasm* Oh is that the sound of forgiveness from the Great Hedgehog? *looks smugly at Bakugo*

Bakugo: *surprised/angry look* WHAT?!.....NO IT'S NOT! This little twerp deserves a pounding!!!!

Lex: NOPE!....*turns around and takes Deku's hand, and runs* Ok, it looks like I have to move to Plan C.

Deku: P-plan C?

*Bakugo is chasing after them*

Lex: Yup *emphasizes the p* Plan C and the only weakness that I know he might have. *stops and pushes Deku behind her*

Bakugo: *chasing* WHAT ARE YOU TWO NERDS TALKING ABOUT!?!! *catching up towards them*

Deku: O-oh and that i-is? *tilts head in confusion*

Bakugo: *reaches a hand out to grab Lex's shoulder* Oi!! Move so I can get too shitty nerd!!

Lex: This is plan C. *puff of smoke ...starts transforming*

Bakugo: *startled by the smoke and starts backing up* WHAT THE FUCK!!!

~smoke dispersion~

~smoke dispersion~

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🐱Lex: Meow

Deku: Ah-*stares at the Cat and realizes that it is Lex* W-whoa!

🐱 Lex: *walks up towards Bakugo and rubs up against his leg* mew....purrr

Bakugo: *stiff as a board* What.... The....fuck?!? *light pink tinted cheeks*

🐱Lex: mew *looks at Deku* purrrrr

Deku: *looks at Bakugo and then at Lex and then starts to write down Backugo's discovered weakness in his notebook* T-that's amazing!

Bakugo: *looks at Deku angrily* Don' ...dare speak about this to anyone. You got that Deku! *unconsciously goes to pet Lex's head*

🐱Lex: *gets petted on the top of her head* purrrrrr...purrrrr......mew

Deku: *flinches* O-okay Kac- I mean Bakugo! *surprised to see cats as Bakugo's weakness*

Bakugo: *picks 🐱Lex up...carries her and starts walking off* Taking this with me for the trouble.

🐱 Lex: *startled by being picked up* Mew? 'What did I get myself into?' *looks at Deku over the shoulder for a confirmation that this is happening*

Deku: Ah-Ka- Bakugo! *confused but worried* Where are you taking Lex?


🐱Lex: Meow.... 'probably should change back before anything happens'...mew

~puff of smoke~

Bakugo: *shocked* FUCK!!

Deku: *runs up towards the two* L-Lex are you alright?

Lex: *back to normal* Huh ...Ya, I'm fine. I didn't think I would be manhandled by the Pomeranian.
*sweatdrop* But...I think you should back up a little. *looks up*

~blushing Bakugo holding Lex in his arms~

Deku: O-oh my *slowly backs up*

Bakugo: WHAT THE FUCK!! *drops her*

Lex: *lands* oooff

Bakugo: HOW ABOUT NEXT TIME, YOU DO THAT ON THE GROUND!!!! *looks away with barley noticeable pink tinted cheeks*

Lex: Hehehe...Sorry *rubs back of neck*...OK, Deku you can come back now...but slowly towards me. *looks back at Bakugo skeptically*


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