Chapter 50: Flight

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Momo: Hope she'll be alright.....

Hitoshi: She'll be okay, just hope she doesn't push herself too much

All 3: *walks inside the quinjet*

Happy: Hey kid how you feeling?

Gem: Never been better Happy.

Happy: *sighs* Right. So is that everyone?

Aizawa: *looks and counts the kids* Seems everyone is here...

Felix: Meow!!

Happy: Okay well everyone has a seat. *closes the door of the quinjet*

Aizawa: Buckle up.

Dabi: What your teach said.

Everyone: Okay *goes to their seats and buckles up*

Happy: *on the pilot seat buckled up* Everyone ready?

Deku: *slightly nervous*

Peter: Heck yea!!!

Kirishima: Yes!!!!

Momo & Hitoshi: *nods*

Bakugo: *holding Felix* Yea, whatever.

Happy: Very well off we go. *starts the engine*

Peter: This is gonna be one heck of a rollercoaster!

Deku: R-Rollercoaster?!

Todoroki and Tenya: Rollercoaster?

*Quinjet is off of the roof ready to set off*

Happy: Hold on tight!

*quinjet sets off with speed*

Peter: woohoo!!!

Dabi: You weren't kidding!!!

Hitoshi & Aizawa: 'There goes my nap......'

Bakugo: Woah!!! *holds Felix protectively* You good Fur Ball?...

Felix: *surprised* Meow *nods*

Deku: ahhhhhhhhhh 'This reminds me of the day when I first met All Might!!'

Todoroki: *slightly surprised but keeps a straight face*

Tenya: Such incredible speed!!!

Peter: Right?!

Gem: Hey Happy I think you're going a bit overboard!!!

Happy: hmm Guess you're right. *slows it down so everyone can relax*

Peter: Aw man

Dabi & Kirishima: Party pooper!

Aizawa & Hitoshi: 'Thank god'

Momo: Hehe

Deku: *slightly light-headed from the speed*

Todoroki: Izuku you okay?

Deku: N-Never felt better *smiles* That was so cool!

Todoroki: heh...

Gem: *sighs*

Peter: Man *frowns*

Gem: Now Peter, don't make that frown.

Peter: *pouts*

Gem: Peter... How about when we go back to New York I'll go to the amusement park's roller coasters?

Peter: Really? *perks up* It's rare for you to get on them

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