Chapter 37: Brawl

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~Everyone is just taking in the sweet and tear-jerking moment but 'Someone' just had to ruin the mood~

???: Well isn't this adorable? Family Reunion...

???: Heh...So you really choose Family... After all this time... After what we been through........Hehehehe.....

~Everyone looks at the owners of the voices~ (Kai: What a way to ruin the moment!!!)

Dr. Strange: Red Skull... should've known that the Tesseract didn't destroy you...

Red Skull: Nice to see you too Dr. Strange.

Momo: ?!!?

Bakugo: You again!!!?

Shigaraki: Hehehe, We still hold up the offer Bakugo Katsuki...

Dabi: !? 'Shit!'

Deku: Offer?...

Todoroki: *holds Izuku tighter to him and glares at Shigaraki*

Red Skull: You know I was so close to regaining one of my members... the Winter Soldier but you all know him as James "Bucky" Barnes... and after Wanda left as well...... I needed someone to replace her. *looks at Gem*

Gem: *glares*

Shigaraki: *arms upon his sides* Yes, the one for him to join the League of Villains.....It seems there is now an empty slot in our group...

Bakugo: HAH!!!! Like I said before!!! NO!!!!!

Shigaraki: *shakes head, sigh* Such a shame...

Dr. Strange: Such a shame indeed...... You really think that they're stupid enough to join your team, who don't have an idea what they're going to do after they achieve their goal?

Shigaraki: Hehehehe...Oh, But we do have a plan.....hehehehe...But what fun would it be if I just told you all now....hehehehe

Dr. Strange: Shame then. Guess I spoiled myself on looking into the future...

Shigaraki: tch...

Hitoshi: *whispers to Deku* What do we do now?

Deku: *whispers back* I don't know... I didn't expect the two main bosses would appear...

Red Skull: It appears you all don't know what to do. And frankly, I quite enjoy seeing you distressed. *snaps fingers*

~Guards appear behind the group~

Shigaraki: *nods over to the side* Come on we got no time to waste...

~Other members of the League appear~

Dabi: Shit...

???: *sees Deku* Deku-kun~!!

Deku: *shivers*

Todoroki: *gets in front of Deku protectively*

Kirishima: Oh dear...

Bakugo: It's that Psychotic Bitch!!!!!!

Dabi: Toga...

Toga: Hi Baku-Kun again! Dabi-kun~! I was upset that you would choose them instead of being here with us!!

Dabi: Heh...Well, I have to do something right for my Family......... I already missed too much as it is.....*flames his hands*🔥🔥🔥🔥

Toga: *pouts* Shame... But *smiles* Then that means we can have some fun~! Isn't that exciting?! *giggles as she pulls out a knife*

Dabi: Really...... 'She is one crazy bitch.' tch .......

Hitoshi: Great......

Red Skull: I recommend you all surrender.

Gem: We rather not...

Deku: 'Wait! The device that Nagual gave us!' *takes out device* 'Please work... *presses the pager as it sends a signal to Nagual*

~Back at the dorms with Nagual on the roof and Bucky arrives to talk about the initiative plan. The Pager activates as the same way Fury has for Captain Marvel's signal but for Nagual~

Nagual: What...*looks down at the Pager* 'Shit....' *Looks up at Bucky* We have to go!!!

Bucky: What? What's going on?! *looks at Nagual with confused and worried look*

Nagual: *Rushes out* I'll explain on the way there!!! *leaps off the rooftop and starts running off*

Bucky: *follows after* !?!

Nagual: The others are in trouble!!!!!

Bucky: What others?! *catches after her*

Nagual: *running* Midoriya and five others went to rescue Palmer as they did with Bakugo......*leaps overbuilding and lands on the rooftops*.....I gave them a Pager so they can use it to contact me if they are in trouble.....*continues running towards location*

Bucky: You let them leave?! *follows close behind them* You should know the Teachers didn't want any of their students to leave! 'Hopefully, Steve and the others will know where we're going to be at'

Nagual: I couldn't, even if I tried Barnes!!!!! They had done this shit before... So they were going to do it again!!!! And besides, when they are set on a rescue plan they can't be stopped.....Trust me they are very determined kids. *stops and looks at Bucky* They survived this long after all that happens to them and their class...

Bucky: ...*sighs* ....Can't say I blame them... Me and the Avengers would have done the same for each other... Alright... Then let's just hurry, quickly. *sends a receiver to the other Avengers to track their location*

Nagual: *nods* Right....

~Both reach the sight location and sees the others fighting off a hoard of Villains~

Bucky: There they are! *takes out a gun*

Nagual: Kenshi!!!

Kenshi: Mrrr *comes out and goes in front of the group*

Dabi: What!? Where did you come from!?

Nagual: Here Flame Brain!!!

Everyone: *looks up to see Nagual and Bucky*

Tenya: Nagual!

Gem: *smiles brightly* Uncle Bucky!

Bucky: Heya Plum, Strange! It's a good thing to know we didn't miss the party!

Dr. Strange: Glad to see you made it, Barnes.

Bakugo: What the hell is that thing!!! *referring to Kenshi*

Momo: It has six eyes!!

Kenshi: Mmm Rrrr

Nagual: That is Kenshi.....I'll explain the details later.

Hitoshi: 'Cool'

Shigaraki: Heh... Like they would make a difference...

Red Skull: Winter Soldier...... I wonder... How you'll be able to save your Family and Friends from us!

Bucky: Me and the Avengers defeated you before, I'm sure we can do it again.

Red Skull: Then where is the rest of your team?

Bucky: They'll be here!

Shigaraki: Heh...Why don't we just get this over with and finish you off...

Nagual: Sounds like a perfect plan to me, but to get rid of you!!!!

Bakugo: Fuck Yes!!!!!

Dr. Strange: *whispers to Gem* Are you still able to fight?

Gem: *nods and whispers* I still have enough time before my limit.

Dr. Strange: Good. Now let's get this over with.

Everyone: *in fighting stance*

Nagual: Ha, Care to do the honors Kenshi!!!

Kenshi: Kkrrrr!!!! *goes and traps a couple of guards in his tail and throws them against the walls*

Nagual: Let The Show Begin!!!

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