Chapter 39: All For One

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~With Deku and the others~

*Minutes passed by and Kenshi hasn't returned from scouting*

Nagual: *worried* 'Kenshi doesn't take this long when scouting' *mutters* Shit...

Dabi: *Has a bad feeling, goes up next to Nagual* Hey, Are you also getting this gut feeling?

Nagual: *nods*

Deku: Is Kenshi okay Nagual? I'm pretty worried...

Everyone else: *looking around cautiously*

Nagual: I'll see if I can call him back......*pulls out a whistle*

Momo: I hope nothing happened

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Momo: I hope nothing happened...

Tenya: Same here Momo...

*Couple of moments passed and no sign of Kenshi*

Nagual: *worried*

Dabi: You should probably look for him ahead...

Nagual: I can't leave you guys unprotected, we need to get back to the Academy.....

Hitoshi: Then we'll look for him together... I feel like something is wrong....... It's best if we all check it out.

Nagual: Right...Come on.....

*everyone follows and looks for Kenshi on the way*

~In another alleyway~

Twice: Teach, is going to like you...*shakes a jar*

Kenshi: *growls*

~back to the others~

Deku: 'Please be okay...Kenshi...'

~time skip to when they find a trail of Will o' The-Wisps~

(N/A: The Will o' The-Wisp looks like a ball of light or a small flame.)

Nagual: 'Odd...He shouldn't be able to leave a soul trail'

Deku: Nagual, what are these lights?

Dabi: *looks curiously at the small balls of light* 

Nagual: Their Will o' The-Wisps, they're trails of them to lead travelers astray, but Kenshi shouldn't be able to make these, after all, they're mostly from the souls of lost people in deep forests. 

Deku: *nervous* S-Souls...O-Of the l-lost...

Nagual: It's alright, they don't cause harm to us, they seem to lead to where Kenshi had gone.

Momo: They're very pretty.

Hitoshi: Indeed, even though they are depicted to make you more lost.

~They follow the trail till the last Wisp disappeared from their sight~

Bakugo: They're gone.....

???: *looking at Kenshi; who's trapped in the jar, with fascination* 

*Nagual looks ahead of them and spots Kenshi in the jar*

Nagual: *surprised* KENSHI!!!!

???: Hmm? *looks at Nagual and the others* Ah, So nice to see you all! I hope you enjoyed the company of my team.

Deku: *terrified* 'I-Its him! The one All Might used over his power limit! All for One!'

Nagual: Let him go!!!!

Dabi: Nagual, you don't want to piss him off...

Nagual: 💢💢💢💢 It should be HIM not wanting to PISS ME OFF!!!! *eyes turn to slit pupils*

All for One: *laughs* Dear child, I believe you should listen to the traitor here. What makes you so sure that you can defeat me if it took all of All Might's power to weaken me? And your not even a true Hero, are you?

Bakugo: Tch...You think you all that because you beat All Might!!!

Nagual: Tch....*growls*

Dabi: Traitor I am....but...I have a family to protect...

All for One: The only Pro Hero that weakened me was All Might. I have not encountered anyone else that can defeat me insolent fools! I would like to see you all try and defeat me... *looks at everyone especially Deku*

Nagual & Bakugo: WITH FUCKING PLEASURE!!!!! *walks slowly towards All for One preparing to battle*

Dabi: Nagual!!!

Kirishima: Bakugo!!!

Hitoshi: We have to get Kenshi and get out of here!!!

Deku: It's a risk fighting him you two!!!

Todoroki: Don't think they'll stop Izuku...

Tenya: Gem, Find a safe spot, while we try and get Kenshi!

Gem: But-

Tenya: Please Gem!

Gem: *clenches fist* Fine... 'I hate this limit... It makes me feel useless...' Be careful... *goes to find a safe spot*

Momo: We will.

All for One: hehe... 'All according to Keikaku (Translate: Plan)...' Well go ahead... I'll let you all have the first shot.

Nagual: *grabs Bakugo and launches him* Aarrgghhh!!!

Bakugo: What!?! Woah!!! *uses his quirk* DIE!!!!!!!!💥💥💥💥💥

All for One: *reflects his attack with a reflecting quirk* That's all you got?

Bakugo: Tch.....

Nagual: *pulls out her snake whip and strikes*

Nagual: *pulls out her snake whip and strikes*

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Nagual: Arrghh!!! Let Kenshi go!!!

All for One: *uses quirks to counterattack* That's until you defeat me!

*Everyone else but Gem starts assisting their attacks with their quirks*

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