Chapter 18: The Talk

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~At the dorms~

Uraraka: Well good night everyone! See you all tomorrow morning! *starts going to her dorm room*

Everyone but Bakugo: Good night! *everyone heads to their dorm room*

Bakugo: Oi!! Half and Half!! *grabs Todoroki's shoulder* We need to talk.

Todoroki: hmm? *looks at Bakugo* What is it?

Bakugo: *nods to go into the dorms living room* Come on, I don't want to wake any of the bastards up.

Todoroki: 'Something tells me this is gonna be serious...' Very well...*starts walking to the dorms living room*

~Todoroki and Bakugo enter the living room~

Bakugo: You know how Witch is always leaving every time that phone of hers goes off.

Todoroki: hmm, So this is what's been bothering you?

Bakugo: Argh!! Just fucking listen!! Don't you think it is a bit repetitive every time she leaves? And every fucking time that Witch comes back tired or we don't bitching see said Witch until the next fucking day!

Todoroki: hmm... *starts thinking* You do have a point... She does often leave worried and tired... She may be worried about something. I had my suspicions on her, but then again she may be visiting a relative who's sick or something that's causing her like this...

Bakugo: tch...Yea...Just got a fucking gut feeling like something is not right. Well, forget it!!! *going to his room to sleep*

Todoroki:... Well as much as I don't want to do this Bakugo... If she doesn't inform us tomorrow when we see her why she always leaves... We can check on what's going on with her... You're not the only one with an uneasy feeling you know?

Bakugo: *stops but doesn't turn around* So you're suggesting to spy on her? Heh...Never knew you were that type of person half and half.

Todoroki: tch... It's the only chance we see what's going on with her. We both have an uneasy feeling about her on why this new villain appears when she appeared... Why she always disappears... It just doesn't make sense to me...

Bakugo: Ya...Heard you the first time! Well..we need a third person to help us in more stealth-like actions.

Todoroki: Well we can either ask Toru or Lex...They seem like a good choice...

Bakugo: Not Invisibill, she'll rat us out to the others...Rainbow Brows is the better choice for this.

Todoroki: hmm Alright... We'll ask her tomorrow, that is if Palmer doesn't want to inform us why she always leaves...

Bakugo: heh...Sounds like a fucking plan. *continues to his room* Night half and half

Todoroki: *nods* Night...*goes to his room*

~the next day~

*the guys all wake up and head to do their morning routines*

Uraraka: Uwa! Yesterday was amazing! I wonder what we're gonna do today in class! And I wonder if Gem got here safely...

Momo: *yawns* Morning everyone!

Kirishima: Good morning bro!!

Bakugo: Fuck off Shitty Hair!!!!!

Deku: *smiles brightly* Good morning everyone!

Todoroki: 'It's too early to be this bright...'

Tenya: I hope everyone had a good night's sleep!

Sero: Yea!! Just wish we didn't have to wake up so early. *yawns*

Kaminari: *lying on the couch* A little bit of more sleep could be nice.

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