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*I don't own the Harry Potter story's that is only Rowling's*
I'm sorry for not updating my other fanfic but I'm thinking about the development of the plot and in the meantime this idea came to me, there are too little story's about Harry going back. Please give me feedback about my story's.
I'm sorry for any grammar or other mistakes English is not my first language. Thank you for reading!

In a dark and old looking living room on a black sofa lies a young adult with black messy hair and old tired looking green jaded eyes. He was all alone in an old house whole of painful memories. He was thinking about his life with a letter in one hand and fire-whiskey in the other. Laying like this and thinking, he came to the conclusion that he hasn't a reason for living nor someone that would make living worth it. He now could see all the manipulations and lies that these he cared about did to him and now he was angry, beyond angry but he was also tired because he gave his everything for them and didn't ask for anything in return. We are speaking of course about none else than our Wizarding savior Harry James Potter.

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