Chapter 12

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Going into the bank Snape showed the letter to the first free Teller and was escorted to one of the Dark wooden door with gold letters spelling Potter. In the office were two desks and two goblins going through some paperwork's. When he went in both stood up and greeted him, after the greeting he was seated in front of the older looking goblin, named Sharptounge.
"Lord Prince, you received from Lord Potter shares in the Potion industry and a letter which his son was supposed pass on to you. From the late Lady Potter you receive all he research in potions, as well as panting of the two of you. And the letter that too was suppose to b passed by her son, did he do so?" Severus nodded " very well. You were also named godfather to one Harvey James Potter. Would you like to receive it now? Longbeard has to speak with you Lord Prince about the Prince family after this, just the office next to this one." The goblin looked over waiting for an answer, Severus nodded again and sighed the papers to receive what was left for him, when he was finished Griphook gave him a tick folder with two muggle notebooks. Thanking them he went to the office next door and knocked, hearing a "come in" he pushed the door noticing the office to be in light colors. Behind a desk stood a goblin with a very long silver beard, probably from there came his name. Bowing slightly and greeting each other each took a seat. "Lord Prince I would like for you to take a inheritance test just to be sure you are who you say you are. Please drop 7 drops of you blood into the vial and then the potion onto the parchment." Taking the ritual dagger Severus did as asked and after only a few minutes Black writing appeared. Reading it he noticed there wasn't much surprise not counting the fact that he actually had the right to his mother's family.
But at the end he was both surprised and angry, his Occlumency and Potion were both natural abilities of his and he was in fact dosed with some hate potion and loyalty charms by Albus. "Can we First speak about the potion and charm and then about the prince family? Could we do a cleaning ritual?" Longbeard nodded and gestures for him to follow.
15 minutes later they were back again Severus a little bit sore from the ritual but feeling better and lighter. Longbeard began then " as for the Prince family you need to officially accept the lordship. For know Albus Dumbledore is your Proxy for the Wizengamot and you family vault undisputed, a few investments also need discussing." Looking over at the man before him he showed him the box with the ring. Severus open the box and in the middle of it lay a silver ring with a onyx, putting it on his right pointing finger the ring adjusted himself and he could feel a warm hum of magic. "I would like to cancel the use of proxy, how did he have it in the first place?" Asked Severus calmly even if he was angry. "You should have obtain you lordship at the age of 16teen but you were under the magical guardianship of the headmaster and so he told us you will come when you were ready to claim it until then he would be the proxy." Severus always knew the man wasn't that Grandfather that he portraits himself to be but stealing someone heritage was a crime, he briefly wonder to how many he did it but the smooth his head deciding to think about it some more another time. " I never knew about it but well. I would like for you to sell all shares that aren't making money or are troublesome. Invest in something potion related. I would also like actual bank statements and a list of properties. Could I also change my name to prince and drop the Snape?" The goblin nodded his head making a few notes and laying another document before him to change his name officially. After sign it Severus took the papers, Lily's things, bid the goblin farewell and appareated outside of Gringotts back to Hogsmeade.

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