Chapter 16

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Andromeda Tonks neè Black was a women raised in the Black ways, she understood the ins and outs of the Pureblood world and agreed with them to a degree. She was very stubborn and very independent women, in school she was a Slytherin and proud of it. She loved her husband and daughter but she could never tell them that she wished to be accepted with them into the Black family even if it was impossible. She taught her daughter all she knew about their world but her daughter never took a liking to it too insert in Dumblerdoor's ways. So when one morning before her work as a healer a letter with the black seal came it was understandable she stood there speechless. Finally putting herself together she took the letter and broke the seal.

Dear Mrs. Tonks,

I'm sure the latter is a surprise. My name is Harvey James Potter-Black and I'm the Heir to the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black. I would like to meet and discuss a few things. My age will be a surprise and what I will inform you about as well. Please contact me if, when and where we could meet. My owl will wait for an answer, it does not have to be immediately. Her name is Hedwig and she is a stubborn one.

With regards
Harvey J. Potter-Black
Heir and Lord Apparent of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black
Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter

Reading the Letter a second time Andromeda didn't know what to think. Potter? That meant the boy-who-lived wasn't name Harry and he was the Heir to her family, oh the irony. Now she was curious what he had to tell her and what he wished to discuss. Looking over at the beautiful owl and going trough her timetable she pinned him a letter saying she wish to meet him tomorrow at 1 pm. at her home if possible. Sending the letter she make her way to work.

The next day Andromeda put her more formal robes on and prepared tea with some cake and waited for her guest. Just a few minutes later her doorbell rang, in the door stood a young boy shorter then average with long black hair and unique green eyes with specks of grey.
"Well met Heir Black, I welcome you in my home" after curtsying she gestured to the living room. Serving tea and taking her place Andromeda stared."I have to confess Heir Black to being very curious about you visit. I honestly thought my sisters son is the heir. What did you wish to discuss?" Harvey observer the lady in front of him when she talked. She was very beautiful, tall and had a dark beauty to her. It was obvious she was raised in a traditional pureblood house, with her mannerism and way of talking. "Please call me Harvey, we are family after all. I have a few issue actually, but the most important one I thank is that as the heir and lord apparent until the actual lord can take over his duties I have the power to reinstate you into the family if you so wish but before that I would like to know why you were disowned from you and not the public."
Andromeda was speechless once again but this time put herself together much quicker.
"When I was 13teen my parents made a marriage contract for me that didn't gave me much say in my life and was with someone older then me, a very cruel but wealthy man. They didn't ask my opinion on it they just did it. When I found about it I didn't say anything but I never planned on fulfilling it knowing the consequences. When I was 17 the legal age even before I graduated I was already in love with Ted, when he heart about my situation he agreed to bond with me right after achieving our legal age. My parents couldn't break the bond and a bonded person couldn't fulfill the contract so they lost a portion of their wealth and standing in their circle and I was disowned, most think it's because Ted is Muggleborn." Harvey nodded to this "yes, most told me so when asked. But because you married new-blood your daughter has the full gift of the black family. Now knowing the reason do you wish to be back into our family of course you will be reinstated with your husband and daughter. Thought you will need to teach her what that means." Andromeda was shocked that she wasn't the only one with that theory about her daughter gift. She smiled and nodded "yes I would like to be back together with my family. I already taught her many things but I will explain some more. Will she also have a marriage contract?" Now it was Harvey's time to look a bit shocked he shook his head "of course not, only if she wish it. I would like if she knew more about the old ways and follow it and maybe do the courting as it's proper but she can marry whoever she wishes. Now *I Heir Black, Lord apparent of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black reinstate Andromeda Iris Tonks neè Black, her husband and daughter into the Black family, toujours pur, as I will it so moe it be*
a light envelope them for a few second and then Andromeda could feel the comforting but slightly cold Black family magic once again.

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