Chapter 22

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Harvey in the meantime was laying in his garden observing the clouds and thinking what he wanted to do now and how to go about Hogwarts since his letter will come in just two months.

Harvey POV

My cover story is not half bad. If asked I will say I overheard Petunia arguing with Vernon about my mother and a school Hogwarts then when cleaning the attic I found old letters from my mother where she described our world and so I took the chance to find Diagon Alley. The rest discoveries were made in Gringotts and with the help of Goblins I contacted my godfather and uncle, both started mentoring me. Yes, that is a good cover story and he can't ask for any proof. I should also contact Tom and get a meeting with him, i will also tell him the truth about him, that way working together should be easier, if our goal and ideas aren't too different. I really am curious about his true self. Although why do I need to be in my ten year old body, it's sometimes so troublesome, at least I will play the magical prodigy at school with not understanding the rivalry of the houses and differences in blood, but understanding the importance of our culture and social standing. Satisfied with my basic plan I went back to the library to read some books about runes, to my surprise I took to them like duck to water.

Marcello POV

The next day after a delicious breakfast I retread to my study surprised by the letter on my desk. Taking my place I cast diagnosis charms but it came clean. Finally noticing the crest in the middle I quickly took the letter and open it.

Dear Marvolo,

I don't know which name you are using now but I do know you hate your first name, so I thought about addressing you with your second.

I'm sure you have many questions for me and wonder about my motives. I would like to talk with you eyes to eyes since I want to tell you the truth. I promise to answer everything If you do the same.

If you are agreeable to a meeting please name our meeting place and date. I'm awaiting your answer.

Yours truly
Harvey J. Potter-Black

Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter
Heir of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black

Reading the letter twice I thought about my options. Yes I had quite a few questions for example how he knew my middle name and that I preferred it. Taking an parchment I wrote a quick answer if he is available to come in the next hour with my elf Zum. Giving the letter to her I told her to wait for his reply and then I waited.


25 minutes later in his study stood a pretty slightly androgynous boy with unique eyes. Gesturing for him to sit down Marcello took the initiativ. "Well met Lord Potter, my name is Marcello Phoenix Slytherin and you have some explaining to do, how about you start with the ritual?" Harvey for his part was stunned how gorgeous the man was looking, only if he were older in body he would totally go for him. Shaking himself out of it he nodded. "Yes I should explain but first I will tell you a story, you probably won't believe me at first but I have pensive memories with me to proof it and know things I shouldn't know. So after the Halloween night I was left on the doorstep of my mother's sister...." for the next half an hour Harvey told his story again and explained the things he knew about Marcello and showed him the memories. Silence regained in the room for awhile both lost in thought. Marcello was stunned. The boy before him was noteworthy, not only was he beautiful but strong and powerful, kind even after many hardships. No wonder he doesn't sound like a kid mentally he isn't one. Finally going out of it he replied his voice soft "I must admit to admire you, not only did you not have an easy life and end my pathetic existence but you didn't destroy my souls a second time instead gave me an opportunity. I must thank you and I promise not to lose myself again. I would like for as to work together to change our world, cause right know we are slowly destroying ourselves." Harvey nodded at that already suspecting that though he was surprised to hear the compliment and he had to fight unsuccessfully the blush for coming out. "Yes I suspect that. I made myself a to-do-list what I wanted to achieve. Like founding the orphanage and primary schools or ending the house rivalry's since they are ridiculous. When it comes to politics I need to wait to grow at least 14teen or find myself some good proxy, but without allies nothing's possible." The thoughts of waiting depressed him a little bit at least Sirius should be free in a bit. Marcello noticed the glum around the little snake "how about we become allies? I'm sure our goals are similar enough and even then we could always make compromises. I will release my death eaters from the Mark but ask some for loyalty oats. I would have most dark votes if not all and you could probably gain many gray since you family is originally that and a few light would follow. If you have a lawyer then he could be for the meantime your proxy. I need time to recover and establish myself into our community. Any ideas?" Marcello could see the intellect in this unique eyes and waited eagerly for ideas, he wondered what this little snake could come up with. Harvey was making plans in his head and looking at the possibilities. Finally his eyes gained a certain glint that promised mischief "you traveled a lot and I'm sure you used that in your cover story. You also know a lot about our history how about you came back to your homeland after finding historical artifacts and opening an magical museum so other magicals could see it as well? You are a Lord to Slytherin an have vaults and Castel, I'm the Lord to Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, I'm sure there a few things that could be "found" from other families and portraits as well to open such an important establishment. What do you think?" Marcello was stunned again because this idea was a pure genius. "That's genius! I'm also Lord of the Peverell line. We will probably find also portraits of the founders and make a sending frame for them in the museum, yes the history could be rewritten as it should be and Muggleborns could lern so much from it. It will take a few moths of planing but yes that idea has merit." Both smiled to each other and talked some more about their idea and how to go about it. They ate lunch together and did not noticed how relaxed they were in each other company.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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