Chapter 21

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Italics- articles, tests, books etc.
From now on Tom will be referred to as Marcello.
(Marcello: god of war, Phoenix:reborn)

Appearing in front of the Manor Marcello noticed it was quite lovely and what he needed. It was bigger then a house but smaller then a Manor of an Ancient Family. It also had very beautiful garden. Going in he was greeted by seven elf's. "Good Morning Master Slytherin, I's the Head elf Rum from left to right is cleaning elf's Tum&Dum, Groundkeeper elf Lum, Cook elf Sum and Nanny elf Zum. Orders Master?" Marcello observed the elf's for a moment to remember what he read about their specimen "Good Morning to you. My name is Marcello Phoenix Slytherin, I'm Lord of Slytherin, Peverell and Stark. When we are alone you will address me as Marcello sir and in company of others Lord Slytherin or Stark. Your rules are as follow 1) no punishment 2) take care of you health and you are allowed to mate 3) make yourselves uniformes with all of my family crests. Then Zum I'm weak in body and magic from a ritual and need someone to take care of so you will be my personal elf. These are potion and a diet I need. Then take my measurements and buy me a whole new wardrobe in darker colors. Lum find my familiar Nagini. Rum visit all my properties and tell the orders to other elf's if there are any. Now I'm tired and need to sit down I would also like light lunch and a tour of the house." Finishing the whole speech the elf's took to their task right away Zum took her Master on the tour since she was his personal elf.
The whole Manor was in various colors of brown, gold, red, grey and blue. It had the Master bedroom, Spouse bedroom, a nursery, 5 guest bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, informal dining room, library, potion lab, ritual room, office, middle sized ballroom, living room, a parlor with a outside tarasse and a beautiful garden with lots of flowers as well as a reasonable sized greenhouse also on the grounds where the owlry of moon owls and a pack of tamed wolves. Going back inside Marcello took a place on the sofa in the living room not a minute later a plate with his favorite appeared, how the elf's knew this he did not know. While eating he took a look at the statements of his accounts, it wasn't as he feared, he was quite wealthy even when the two accounts were old and unused in a few centuries. To his surprise the stark family had quite the fortune from various farms and breeding of owls and other birds. He was quite satisfied. Now he needed to make plans what to do with his votes in the Wizengamot and school board in his current state. Also who to contact first, taking his time with these thoughts Marcello decided to call Lucius and Severus after a few days of resting and meditation. The rest of the day he spend resting and reading in fact he spend the next week just reading some books from the library, bantering with Zum, he became quite fond of her, resting and taking walk on the grounds. He also worked on his mind everyday and his Occlumency shields became slowly what they once were, he took his potion and started on the light workout. Finally on Sunday he took place in his parlor with some tea and called Lucius trough the Mark, noticing he couldn't do the same with Severus, he asked Zum to get him regardless. 10 minutes later both man were in front of him looking rather confused and shocked which is saying something. Severus always shows little emotion and Lucius has control over his mask. Standing up he looked at them and bowed slightly. "Well met Lucius, Severus welcome into my home. Please take a seat. Tea?" Gesturing for them to sit. Both nodded a bit speechless. Lucius was relaxing in the stables when his mark stared to slight burn giving him the location he was excepted to be, he was shocked to see his Lord looking not older then 20 and actually offering tea. Severus was not better he wasn't sure what to think when his godson told him what he did but he reserved judgment for now. He was quiet surprised by the appearance of his lord and the intelligence in his eyes, but it gave him him hope. After both took they seat Marcello began again " I'm glad you came after all this time. Let me begin with an apology. You came to my service with the hope of change and not to terrorize our world. I must admit I lost myself in insanity and blood thirst and I'm ashamed of it but someone and mother magic gave me another chance to right the wrong." Looking at them he saw surprise but also joy? Maybe in their eyes, now more calmly he continued "after an ritual and an inheritance test at the goblins I was surprised magic gave me a gift of an new identity as of last week I'm Marcello Phoenix Slytherin, Lord of Slytherin/Peverell/Stark Houses and 22 of age. I created a story close to the truth about my upbringing and now I'm back in my homeland after touring the world. The consequences of said ritual is my weak stat. My body will be at his peak after a few moth with potion and workout, my magic will take a bit longer to be what it used to at this age. After reviewing my memories I understood I became a monster previously and decided that Voldemort the old version of me will stay dead. And I will take the mark of these stable and useful. I would also like to change our relationship from servitude to that one of a friendship." Saying the last sentence Marcello observed his guests and wonders who will compose themselves sooner.

It took Severus serval minutes to put himself together and process what he just heard but even then he did it sooner then his brother in all but blood. Hearing all this the hope in him started to really bloom and he was relieved, that means he can side with the side he belongs to and be close with his godson without any danger. Deciding to be blunt and honest for once he took a small sip of his tea and looked Marcello in the eyes " when I heard from my godson what he did I wasn't sure what to think about it because I wanted to side with the side I belong to but I also wanted him safe. Now I don't have to worry about it anymore. It's true that you lost yourself but if you say you want to start over as a new person I believe you and will help you, maybe a friendship will build from this." He took a breath and spoke again more calmly this time "you should have a talk with my godson because not everything seems at it is. He also took my Dark Mark away, he found a way in an old book, you should also read old newspaper and collect information about every death eater not in prison." Marcello was a bit shocked that a 10 almost eleven years old found a way to take away the Mark, since he knew to do so you need to be a speaker, now he looked at Severus calculating but nodded and turned to Lucius noticing he finally came out of shock. Lucius for his part didn't know what to think, but the man before him was more like the one from his father's story's, but then it hit him and he turned to his dear friend "godson? You have another godson besides Draco?" Severus only nodded but didn't gave any explanation, turning to his lord again and taking a bit air he spoke if a little hysterical nobody commented "my lord, I'm very happy to see you as my father described you. Even after realizing me from the Mark I will stay loyal to you. I'm often in the ministry, an advisor to the Minister and on school board but even so doing changes is not easy. Right now our world is even more on the light side then even before, it won't be an easy fight even if political."taking a sip of his tea and gauging our the reaction he noticed the wasn't any rage or unhappiness "your most loyal are in Azkaban but one of them without trail, Rabastan Lestrange was captured with his family and Junior torturing Longbottoms but I remember he was only searching for his brother not practicing in and came in at a wrong time, getting him out won't be easy. The Carrows should be there instead. Nott, Rockwood, Burke, Flint, Parkinson, Grabe, Goyle, Avery, Bulstrode, Rosier, Yaxley and Rowle are all in the Wizengamot with various amount of votes. Rockwood is still an unspeakable and Avery a high ranking Auror. Burke has his shop and Rosier his law firm. Rowle is an Dueling teacher now." Lucius thought if he forgot someone important but couldn't find anyone, they sat like that in silence for a few minutes until Marcello finally thought about some ground plan "first I will release these you mention from the Mark, Severus what did you tell the old goat? and we will need to find an excuse why they faded, but I still want from some loyalty oaths. Lucius you would contact these and I would meet them in an secure location but not my home. Then I would need to make an appearance in the world but maybe when I can stand more then 15 minutes. I will need to reread all the laws that are now in play and the situation at Hogwarts. I will allow you both access to my floo, so you can come and go. Now excuse me but I'm tired and need to take a nap" nodding both Lucius and Severus have a short bow and went to the foo and Marcello to his bedroom.

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