Chapter 20

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Tom's POV

Waking up after a restless night I looked at the time noticing it was 7 am. Since the goblins will come probably in an hour or two I took the time to think about what I wish to do with my life now and with my actions before. Realizing I became a monster was not easy realizing I had this second chance because of a boy life I destroyed was even worse. I resolved to do better this time, not losing my self in my fear or my ambitions. My goals from school needed little change and maybe discussion with someone else for a second opinion. A talk with the Potter child as well, even if an apology can do nothing a promise of change would be good. Death esters would need to change as well, these more troublesome and unstable tricked in being caught and the more useful released from the Mark but bond with an oath of sort. Hmm what else the world thinks Voldemort is dead and it should stay that way, that version of me was the monster I became but know I'm reborn and changed, I won't dishonor Mother Magic like that the second time.
Suddenly the doors open and Sharptounge came in with a plate of food. "Good Morning Human. Here is your breakfast and some clothes, behind you is the toilet. After you ate and fresh up the guard at you door will escort you into my office and we will start our business." with that he left. Taking my time since it took some of my energy to move I was finally full and ready after an hour. I was moving slower then I thought. Gesturing to the guard he took me to a well looking office were two goblins sat Sharptounge and one younger. "Good morning Masters Goblins, I'm ready to conduct business." The younger goblin nodded at me and took his leave. "Very well. I'm not the goblin who will take care of you since I'm the manager of Lord Potter. But the office five doors from mine will help you. It belongs to my brother Sharptooth. I hope he will be most helpful" Sharptounge gave me a look just daring me to disagree with his comment nodding to him and giving him a proper farewell I took the short but slow walk to the other office, which was not so different from the previous one. The goblin was also very similar but since they were brothers it was not surprising but I could see why he was named as such. "Well met Mr.Riddle, my name is Sharptooth, brother to Sharptounge. I will be taking care of your business, since I'm the manager of the Slytherin family. First thing first the inheritance test, I hope you know how it works" giving me the blade, parchment and vial i could feel his eyes observing me. Letting seven drops fell into the vial then on the parchment after a green/grey glow black writing appeared.

Inheritance test

Name: Marcello Phoenix Slytherin
Born: 31 December 1968
Age: 22
Blood status: Pureblood
Magical Core: Gold (Merlin Level)
Father: Marvolo Wren Gaunt(squib,deceased)
Mother: Tamara Ella Stark (deceased)
Godparents: none


Lord to the Utmost Ancient and Most Noble House of Peverell (paternal)
Lord to the Utmost Ancient and Most Noble House of Slytherin (paternal)
Lord to the Noble House of Stark (maternal)


Peverell Family (1)
Slytherin Family (4)
Stark Family (222)
Privat (660)


Peverell Castle (unplottable)
Peverell Manor Scotland
Slytherin Castel (unplottable)
Slytherin Manor England
Stark Manor (unplottable)
Stark Cottage France
Stark Summerhouse Italy
Stark House India
Stark Flat New York

Abilities, Block, Potion:

natural Legilimency
eidetic memory
magic sensitivity

After reading it and giving it to Sharptooth I was shocked because I was pretty sure that was not accurate, looking at the goblin confused I hoped he had an answer "how is that possible? I'm sure these are not accurate!" Sharptooth read the parchment made a thoughtful expression and seems to come to some conclusion "Lord Slytherin it seems magic when creating your body gave you automatically an identity it's close to you truth one since your mother's blood came from the Slytherin line and Peverell line and your father's actually from a squib line of the house Stark, which family you are last descents of, there a few families that have ties to the Slytherin line like the blacks or the Peverell line like the Potters but that's because wizard intermarry a lot. But that's makes it a lot easier for us to creat papers. Your family tree will automatically have changed with that test. Any ideas for you history?" I was still shocked over the fact that Lady magic gave me this opportunity but I had a warm feeling. Taking a moment to gather my thoughts I could feel the excitement in me " yes. I would like to claim the lordships after. I think we should stick as close to the truth as possible. My parents died when I was young leaving me in an muggle orphanage for a while then when I was nine my mother's friend took guardianship of me, she was a Muggleborns witch who left for the muggle born, she was bitter about our world so she hired tutors for me instead of sending me to a magical school. When I was 17 I stared a world tour to learn more after she died from cancer. I returned now to my homeland. It should be easy to forge and change my NEWTS results with my old scores. What do you think?" looking at the goblin I noticed he was slightly impressed, he nodded a took some parchment and other tools it looked like goblin magic, after some good minutes on the desk were laying my exam results, birth certificate, death certificates of my parents and guardian etc. then he took three boxes out and presented them to me. Taking the first whole black box I knew it was the Peverell one, the ring was gold with the deathly hollows in the middle, the family magic was a icy one but acceptable, the second one was emerald green with silver lines, the ring was silver with a emerald serpent the family magic was warm like home and the last the stark ring was bronze with a red stone and humming feeling. Knowing these were also portkeys to my homes I asked for the credit card and bank statements. "I would like for you to sell every share that aren't profitable and invest 20 % of all my wealth in both words, 7% of the profit will go to Gringotts and 5% to you as the manager, do a good job and I may rise it. I will be surely meeting you soon. May you blade be sharp and clam strong Master Sharptooth" with that I stood bowed a little and went outside the bank to appareat to the Stark Manor since these surly have some elfes.

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