Chapter 9

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Italics- letters,articles, etc.

"One day as I was laying and thinking about my life I noticed how manipulated and lied to I was. Then came the letter from Gringotts telling me they needed to speak to me. Imagine my surprise when I'm told there that not only I'm a Lord but apparently I'm also filthy rich. We didn't exactly know what was going on so I made an inheritance test, well what came in it it was a shock. Apparently I'm a pureblood not a half-blood because mom was adopted by the Evans her actual maiden name was Hale of the Noble House. Sirius actually blood adopted me a week after I was born. Even my name was wrong because I always thought it was Harry not Harvey, then I had so many block on my magic and abilities the goblin wondered how I was able to preform strong magic like a patronus at 13. I had charms and potion on me and an illegal marriage contract with Ginevra Weasley, all done by Dumbledore, not only that but they stole from me. I discovered that my friends were paid to be my friends. After doing everything in my power to take all that back and cut them from my accounts I got back home and read letters from mom, dad and Padfoot after that I fall asleep and in a dream Death appeared. It was so strange, apparently as one time I was the holder of all three Deadly Hollows at once but got rid of them he saw me as worthy of his gift and gave me the option to come back in time to gave me a chance for a better life. I choose it. And here I am."
Remus didn't say anything for a long moment then he came around the table and hugged Harvey as much as he could. "You don't have to show me anything I believe you. This story is that crazy that it has to be true. But tell me why are you saying Sirius and his nickname with such affection?" Noticing that he didn't tell anything about Sirius in his story he leant even more into the warmth of Remus "that's because he is innocent, he was a decoy for Wormtail, he betrayed and he is alive as the Weasley pet rat. Sirius broke out of Azkaban in my third year to help me and died in my 5th protecting me, I could never forgive myself for it because it happen out of my mistake." Letting Harvey so he could stare him in the eyes "it couldn't be your fault. I know Sirius, he did what he thought as right. Protecting you was his duty and you should never blame yourself for it you would shame his sacrifice. Understood?" Nodding Harvey went back to eating. The rest of the morning went in silence both lost in they own thoughts. Finally Harvey looked up at Remus "when I decided to come back I swore to myself to do things differently. I want revenge on Dumbledore as well as my former friends but above all I want to change the Wizarding World and save these that died. I already have a lawyer working on Sirius case. But I also want to have a childhood, fun and time with you and him because you both are my only family. Tough I won't change myself or my ways for you, right now I'm definitely grey borderline dark but it may change in the future and I don't want you to do things you don't believe in." Remus observed his friends child that mentally wasn't a child at all and noticed that he still didn't resolve all of his issues and he wonders how bad the abuse was. Knowing he needed to answer he smiled a soft little smile "Harvey I don't want you to change, a family should accept they members as they are. In fact Sirius, your parents and myself were all grey and Sirius after he actually read and learn what his grandfather wanted him and not his parents agreed more with the dark agenda and his magical core was always more dark oriented. I'm a werewolf that doesn't have many rights now and now our world is more light that it should be after all everything needs balance. You don't have to worry we wouldn't abandoned you." Harvey beamed at him. After breakfast both went into the library to talk some more and learn more about each other.

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